Could be. Nothing lasts forever. If the sea level rises by 9" by the end of the century, there won't be much left, anyway.

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You're either confused, or your reading comprehension is deficient.I was, originally, responding to one who was attempting to be the arbiter of who is, or is not, a Democrat, implying that anyone who disagreed with his position is not a Dem. He can say what he likes, but he doesn't get to decide who is a Democrat.

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I’m not the confused or reading deficient here. If it smells like a Republican, and walks and votes like one, then it isn’t a Democrat. And we get to decide that along with everyone else who has the same accurate observation.

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Nope.If you're registered to vote as Democrat, you're a Democrat.Simply.You aren't, any more than anyone else, the arbiter of that. You don't get to define the Democratic party for anyone else. That's a crock of shit, and it's what RWNs do, and ifvyou realky velieve that, you're delusional. We don't need purity tests; we need voters. Because it's the majority of elected officials which makes the policies. Being a hard-core "loyal opposition" minority doesn't get anything. But, hey, plenty of Wonketeers (lookin' at YOU) are as reactionary as any whackjob Repub. Kedp livin' in your fantasy. Meanwhike, I've been a political activist my entire adult life and I'm a realist. Dems will get some policy passed this year, with the help of Sens Manchin and Simema, and they would get none if Repubs were in the majority, as we've seen already.FACT.Now, I'm done with your BS.

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Ta, Stephen.

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Could be that he ain't real bright.

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The Republican Party platform's goal is to screw people over. Let's stop pretending anything else, shall we?

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Foooooodddddd poooooorrrrrnnnn!

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Okay, all righty then. Your BS rules because you said so. Fact check: it doesn’t.

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Oh, sonny.You 're blowing it out your ass.All anyone needs to do to be a Democrat is to register to vote as one.You'll never be the arbiter of who is anything.The end.

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And get a clue in 2021, not 1981 ffs...


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You're just wrong.W.R.O.N.G.

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headshot of Joe Manchin wearing a big, fatuous, shit-eating grin

TEXT ABOVE: I saved the Byrd Rule!

TEXT BELOW: ... and that's why you aren't making a living wage

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That's it. That's all they do.

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It was after that failure to read the room that they blasted him. He's stayed silent since. He's not even the worst thing about WV politics! The statehouse is a NIGHTMARE, there's a Republican supermajority, they're blocking public access (because pandemic, about which they only recently started to care; as in, at the beginning of legislative session), & they're conducting a lot of business under cover of night, & I'm not kidding.

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