More like gropearch.

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He'll never be able to think about his sisters' vaginas again, without feeling sad and betrayed by a world he never made.

To paraphrase the poet Lesley Gore, 'you would sue too, if it happened to you.'

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Doesn't Victoria's Secret have a line of super-sexy Mormon magic underwear?

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If they'd had magic underwear, he'd have tried to force their mouths open.

That's why it's called 'magic.'

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I did that too, but unlike Josh's experience, my sisters, Brandy, Tempest and Porshe made me do it. That's them waiting for the school bus.https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I think her gloves would be distracting

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I think I followed that Geocities link from my FaceSpace, or was it MyBook

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Who more than Josh deserves to relive painful memories and experiences. And who but Josh should endure such humiliation. After all he created it for himself and now doesn't want to relish his creation.

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No. Remember, this is America...


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He’s actually joining a lawsuit previously filed by four of his sisters against the cities of Springdale and Washington County, Arkansas, as well as InTouch, which they claim published information that made them easily identifiable. Their lawsuit makes sense. Him joining it? Not so much!

Ummm...did Josh there forget that he was a reality tv star? Sheesh!

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His creeper dad campaigned for office on a platform of capital punishment for incest, knowing full well that his prodigy would be whacked under that law. Jizz Blob and Mechelle Duggar, and their battalion of luddites are doing their damnedest to breed normal people out of existence. If half of their kids go on to breed at the same rate as their parents, in 25 years there will be over 200 of the fuckers. In 50 years there would be 2000.

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Once again the Onion predated reality with their video about a college athlete who had to heroically overcome the rape he committed

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Can he join someone else's lawsuit without their permission? Are the women crazy enough to have given it to him? Do they actually still speak to him? He has a wife, too, doesn't he? She really takes a prize. Reality TV is so sick. I think it's an addiction on the order of heroin. Once these people have cameras following them around 24/7 they get hooked and do crazier and crazier things to continue the stream of attention.

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He was really in touch with his feelings sexual feeling dumb lawsuit will get his day with god to explain why he did what he did you play stupid games you get a stupid prize the prize everybody now knows what he did if anything the judge should make him register and serve jail time his sister's are the one's hurt by what he did what am I saying they are not hurt if they were then they would want the world to know what he did now people no not to have there kids around him his own kids will find out what he did when they get older and see him in a different light

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Austin 3:16 get a mudhole stomped in your a$#!#

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