Read the Constitution. Our forefathers anticipated some of what's happening and warned us of the danger.

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." --JFK

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She released hers, so WE CAN TELL!

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their talent for beating dead horses, however, is limitless

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O'Keefe's voter fraud "plot" has got to be the stupidest of the stupids. (a) Corporate ID is not sufficient for voter registration only state issued ID is as all of the voter ID laws have established, especially in Wisconsin. (b) It would cost more to bus people across state lines, provide them with the forged documentation to fraudulently register, and then show up to vote than it would to actually go out and register legitimate voters. And (c) using methods like targeted out-reach where you send a teacher out to talk to a teacher or inform people of how many of their neighbors who have voted is a more effective method of getting out the vote. The sovereign dipshit who is known as O'Keefe would know that if he would actually do some homework and preparation and be more like Clinton than Trump.

United Fucking States of Fucking Stupid

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Veritas is latin for Pravda.

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I thought it was Projectile Vomitus.

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It looks like it already hurts just being Ted Cruz.

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Thanks Oba... Hilla... oh, I give up.

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Another future candidate for the Darwin awards, the only kind O'Keefe deserves.

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Aren't their arms ready to fall off yet?

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He truly is a master of disguise. James O'Keefe hides the truth like nobody's business.

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There was a remarkably stupid "conservative" woman (BIG fan of Duh Gov'!) who used to try to debate me on the Amazon book review pages. She told me my posts were worthy of the Russian newspaper Prada.

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Or, do like the Republican Secretaries of State and just remove thousands and thousands of Democratic voters from the rolls. Much more efficient!

BiteBart is spreading the lie you reference that the Clinton Campaign if moving people from Puerto Rico to vote in Florida. There' s a fool (well, actually far more than one) over at American Spectator who actually believes this is true!

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Ugh. Will sightings of this creepy clown never cease?

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