How about arm wrestling? πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

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Yeah you figure as a black woman she has two strikes against her in the white male dominated world yet made it to attorney general, if under a black president. So she's put up with a lot of shit already.. Humm what about Biden as P to pull in the whites and males that want a white guy, and Harris as VP to motivate the motivate a lot of blacks and women to get out and vote that normally don't and hopefully in 8 years the majority of whites will no longer be whites that only vote for whites.

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78% of Democrats want the Democratic candidates to appear as much as possible in the media, including Fox. I make no allusions about their bias. However moderate women are watching -because their husbands are- and those moderate suburban women voted for moderate Democrats in the Oklahoma City suburbs, Kansas City suburbs, Des Moines, Charleston, the Chicago suburbs, Salt Lake City, the Minneapolis suburbs, and southern Florida.

Centrism will destroy Trump. IF we claim the mantle of the left AND the center.


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I love your enthusiasm, and God bless your idealism.

But that is not a winning ticket. The largest identity politic voting bloc? White males.

Biden coupled with a moderate midwestern woman like Amy Klobuchar, Cheri Bustos, or the the brand new Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer would kick all sorts of ass!!!

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Judge? Cabinet?

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Read your US history. Clue: JFK and RFK were brothers. JFK appointed RFK to be AG. Federal law now prohibits Presidents from appointing close family members to their cabinet.

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JFK appointed RFK to his cabinet. Fears of nepotism field fueled a federal law. Tiny does not care about the law and appointed Jared and Ivanka as his advisors anyway.

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On Trump in Japan - Fonda went to North Vietnam (were we at the time? I think it was still being called a "police action", so comparable) and gave a propaganda photo op. How many people never forgave her for that mistake? How many did not forgive her for fifty years or so? Trump goes to Japan and gives a propaganda opportunity to North Korea - and it isn't the first one nor the last. He has a much larger influence than Jane ever did. Is anyone speaking out against this? Let me rephrase - is anyone who never forgave Jane (or not for fifty years) speaking out against this travesty? If not... well, just fuck 'em.

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True about cabinet, but apparently not about advisors.

"A federal judge ruled that the law didn't apply to White House staff jobs..."https://www.npr.org/2017/01...

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I wish we could clone Kamala.

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The Mrs is giving lessons. Extra charge for the one that peels paint.

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Kamala should be AG, then she'd have the power to go after Trump and Chaney (no limits on war crimes) for their fuckery. She could also go after Mitch for anti-Constitutional actions as Majority leader. and Ms Lindsey, Grassley, and ETC for douche baggery.

Harris can follow in 2024/8, as President.

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I remember back in 2008 democrats suggesting Obama should be Clinton's VP.

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Yes, yes, but does the media think she's electable?

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