Something to be said for that. Fortunately, I was a renter when I left the South and had to rent a smaller place in California. With time my income and savings went up and I bought a house 7 years after my move. It's not an option for everyone, and I'm childless, but with what I had I could have bought a nice house in a suburb with good schools. Being childless, I live the joy of urban life.

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The funny part is, Kansas is culturally wrong for libertarianism. It likes to subsidize farmers and has a long history of regulating alcohol so proper Christian ladies don't accidentally walk into an "open saloon" or a "retail liquor store."

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I understand. Encourage them to look for new jobs. If enough smart people vote with their feet, the population will collapse and white people will learn what the natives learned long ago: never build permanent structures on the Great Plains. When your tent blows down, move along.

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"The Court should not be playing politics with our children’s education”

Neither should you!

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And "Melcher" rhymes with "felcher." I'm staying out of the men's rooms in Topeka, if you don't mind.

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I've been visualizing those.

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If you look at the history of Kansas liquor laws, you'll understand that Sharia is already there.

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Ex-Lawrencian here. Used to own a house on Rhode Island Street. Thanks for fighting the good fight. The Free State will rise again, like the phoenix on the city crest.

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Lived in Wyandotte as well as Douglas. Hell, Shawnee and Sedgwick had a predictably pro-labor vote until that putz Randall Terry ramped up the pro-fetus movement in Wichita.

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PPS, that's what I get for paying no attention to the man behind the curtain.

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Breadbags and teabags imported from Iowa.

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We moved from a large city to what many would call a small city (and I would call a small town) so that we could still enjoy pedestrian life and urban accoutrements--with significantly less variety in many categories, but our immediate area is in some ways a step up (EX: park spending in Texas...Maryland still wins, regardless of local culture). The large, beautiful, rural county, though...a lot of Wow Factor. In both the best and worst ways. Speaking of no variety, Kansas could well be the nations worst. So there's that. Just to make an effort to return to the topic!

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To start, it is flat. Utterly flat. Completely flat. Flat to the point that people go insane if they live there flat. Flat to the point that drivers attempting the difficult traverse across its landscape sometimes go insane or are forced asleep as a defensive mechanism by the brain.

So they planted black eyed susans all along the highway, to distract the drivers from the hellscape flatness. Its a start, I guess.

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There are many beautiful places in the USA. Kansas is not one of them.

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“If you believe your son has a right to see my daughter in various stages of undress, you’re wrong....."

So....I'm not sure I understand their logic....(which is batshit insane, so I don't feel too stupid), they think the boys who identify as female..... they believe, are still attracted to girls (possibly), but are on their way to becoming full-fledged women..... are all actually lesbians too??

Seems a long way to go to get a girl naked, and if he stayed a boy, might have better success hooking up with one.

I know the old joke that men love to repeat, "I'm a lesbian in a man's body..." but taking that as truth for all trans men, seems..... illogical due to the Law of Large Numbers.

But let's say, for the sake of the argument, that's what they believe. They don't want lesbians (male or female, what?) seeing their daughters naked. That must include natural-born lesbians as well, so is that next? Not wanting gays to share straight bathrooms? I'm actually surprised that hasn't been a giant thing for them like, oh, forever.

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