But what about Tulsi?

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Anyone who has ever been anywhere near Times Square in the 70's, 80's, 90's, bqwhetvr, has heard all about the "12 Tribes" at maximum volume, pretty much constantly the whole time you're within earshot. Some heavy- duty nonsense.

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ObVioSly TuCKer cARlSon iS pAiD by ThE DNc tO MAke rEPuBliCAns lOoK bAD

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The two most dangerous places in the U.S. to live are a black woman's womb and your average suburban gated community? Mind blown. Never would have made the connection.

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Weird. And Christian identity groups often preach that white Europeans are the “real” Jews. So many people want to claim to be the “real” Jews while hating the people who actually are Jewish.

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Tribalism-induced COVID vaccine phobia

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Today, anyway.

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Didn't Venus Williams also have a dangerous delivery?

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Yes, she had clotting issues that some of her doctors blew off.

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are we deadnaming Ye by referring to him as Kanye?

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its all about the victimhood/grievance culture

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they don't need help from the DNC to look bad

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A super spreader event Republican convention 🙃

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Whoa just a little ... I always understood there were traditionally ten lost tribes of Israel, not twelve. Twelve would be all of them, Katie. And those weirdos known as the British Israelites claimed that the ten lost tribes somehow made their way to England and were the ancestors of the English.(Don't ask me where the Saxons and the Normans would fit into that picture; I never did figure it out.)Then there's the Mormon belief that Native Americans are descended from the ten lost tribes.Most historians who aren't wildly eccentric think the ten lost tribes were "lost" during the Babylonian captivity. They abandoned their language, religion and general cultural identity, and were absorbed into the Babylonian melting pot. Everybody in the Middle East today is partly descended from them. When Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylon he allowed the Jews who'd kept their identity to go back home and rebuild Jerusalem, which is why he gets a pretty good press in the Bible.I don't think I'd waste my time trying to straighten Kanye West out on that topic, but.

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The "Saxons" were of course "Isaac's sons" through a linguistic change unlike any other that linguists have ever seen; and "British" of course is berith-ish "covenant-man" (actually in Hebrew if you wanted to say "man of the covenant" the word order would be ish ha-berith).Black Hebrew Israelites, however, claim to be the descendants of all twelve tribes, because the "so-called Jews" are not really the tribes of Judah and Levi, but evil impostors.

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Unfortunately, he does. Kim really needs to go to court and soon.

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