Took a look at their website. It offers "Essential Oils and Biblical Wellness Training" (whatever the hell that is) so not really peer-reviewed research there. Nothing wrong with essential oils- they can definitely lift one's mood (scent memories being tied to emotions and all that) but that ain't what they are selling them for (at very inflated prices, btw).

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Precursors and cofactors and activators, oh my! What a bunch of bullllllsheeeet.

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I’m now convinced the average liberal, of which/whom I am one, is fully capable of earning serious money online through simple marketing targeting MAGA fears. I truly believe I could buy some bulk homeopathic products online cheaply, rebrand them as “MAGA 45/47 - a super supplement that increases energy, focus, patriotism, and boosts immunity from Covid, Covid vaccine proteins and other harmful substances shed by liberals and designed by the government and Big Pharma to weaken and control you.” $49.95 for a bottle of 60, or $99.95 for THREE bottles of 60, that’s 180 capsules of MAGA 45/47 Super Supplement, a $50 savings! Order now! Fight the Deep State! Fight the Propaganda! Stay STRONG and HEALTHY like your favorite president and help make America great again!

*Not tested or approved by FDA and Super Supplements are not proven to prevent, treat or cure any health conditions and are for entertainment purposes only.

Boom. Cha Ching! $$$. But it’s creepy, sleazy and dishonest. You know, a grifty conservative thing.

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<insert Fururama Fry meme> "Shut up and take my money!"

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We insist on clinging to our scruples and self-respect when we could have been RICH!

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Get a lawyer to iron out the bits where you're making medical claims and you're good to go.

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I’m a lawyer, and I make no such claims. But yes, my magic wonder pills will solve all your problems, make you beautiful, happy and possibly even live forever. My pills haven’t yet been proven they can’t do those things.

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11 people in Texas and FL have already messaged me about how to order.

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Thought the first ingredient was “spermicide,” and I was all like, “Sure, have at it.”

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That's what i read! Now i gotta go back and see what it was 😂

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My dog sheds like a motherfucker.

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My cat perches on me wanting to be cuddled, I stroke her back and then a few seconds later realize there's a huge chunk of loose hair building up on the back of my hand from where she's shedding all over the damn place. Then she nuzzles my face and I spend the next five minutes trying to get the loose hair off of it so it'll stop tickling me.

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I'm just surprised I haven't seen any reports of someone going bananas in a public place and screaming at everyone else, "Who here took the China vaccine? Don't try to ignore me! You're all shedding! Everyone here is shedding! I can feel it! I'm starting to pass out! Stop ignoring me! I know you can hear me! I said I WILL NOT BE IGNORED..."

And from there it deteriorates into either incoherent shrieks, or something worse, depending on how seriously the individual in question takes the Second Amendment.

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Liberal media should simply start publishing warnings and leaflets warning conservatives that the “liberal woke mind virus is now PROVEN to be contagious and is shed from one host to another. The government wants to infect all conservatives with the virus by 2025. Doctors are STUNNED. The only climate proven impervious to the virus is the cold, crisp air in Russia. Conservatives are expected to have their passports confiscated by 11/1/24. Your only chance for survival is Russia. You must leave within 45 days.” Russia could use the boost to their economy.

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It would be nice if they'd entertain us all by passing out, whether from hyperventilating or holding their breath until they turned blue to try to avoid inhaling all those nasty spike proteins. Hey, here's a thought for them -- why don't they wear a N95 mask or two everywhere they go so that those proteins can't get into them?

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Green tea extract eh? Here's a little quote from the NIH

"Green tea extract and, more rarely, ingestion of large amounts of green tea have been implicated in cases of clinically apparent acute liver injury, including instances of acute liver failure and either need for urgent liver transplantation or death."

Our livers have enough work to do without toxic "detox" pills.

(Green tea itself is probably more good for you than not if you're not drinking litres and litres, the dose making the poison)

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Thanks AI, you just stepped up to the next level.

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I like the use of their term "real science". As, opposed to science done by actual researchers with a highly trained background, or something?

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Usually stuff calling themselves "real" cannot be trusted, so I am annoyed that TheRealNews.com is a lot more trustworthy than the name makes it seem.


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"real science" is anything which supports their warped political narratives and agendas. Veracity is of little or no importance.

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Vaccines are great but strict adherence to risk mitigation protocols should still be followed if you wish to avoid anything "catching". Wash your hands frequently, and avoid close physical contact with people outside of your immediate contact circle, especially anyone exhibiting any sign of respiratory destress. It may also be a good idea to change or thoroughly clean your shoes when entering the house after having been in public spaces., I did not learn risk mitigation from my radical freedom hating college professor but rather from my very proper, very conservative Grandmother. Bom in 1896, a time prior to most vaccines and antibiotics, she was keenly aware of the dangers of communicable disease and did her very best to instruct us on how to avoid them.

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I can remember a more sane time when being vaccinated against small pox was a requirement for any school or work. People lined up in droves to get vaccinated against polio, annual TB testing was mandatory in school, and you could not work in food service unless you had a health badge, The terrible side effects, small pox has become all but extinct and active cases of polio and TB were dramatically reduced. Vaccines are very effective in reducing the incidence of communicable disease in the general population. Arguing to the contrary is stupid and harmful, and why anyone would wish to do so is baffling.

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"Patent pending," sure buddy. I suppose FDA approval is pending as well.

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Patent pending is and easy bar to clear

FDA approval not so much

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"Cletus, we got to get us some of this because I've been suspecting my levels of Exogenous Polyamines are not optimal and my autophagy just ain't been what it used to be lately. Do they take personal checks?"

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Extreme Polyamory? Eh?

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Nearly everyone I ever met who was into homeopathy was on the left end of the spectrum, politically, just sayin'...

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Political theories are not linear- they are more of a circle. Anarchists are Libertarians without Capitalism and vice-a-versa. The same goes for conspiracy theories: the people spreading them have been very effective at hooking liberal and left folks by appealing to the alternative health crowd as well as using fears of child harm (abduction, abuse). Once those otherwise regular folk start going down that rabbit hole- "doing their own (suggested) research"- they are nudged ever further and further towards the far right. I've watched it happen to a few previously sane people, sadly.

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as a previously sane person, I get it, but, at a certain point, the absurdity-of-it-all either makes you laugh or makes you the object of laughter. I choose to be the former, rather than the laughter. thank you, i'll be here all week...

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The terms left, right, liberal, and conservative have become so ill defined as to be nearly worthless. They now have more to do with some sort of silly popularity rating rather than being descriptive of a political position,

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Nocovidium™? I gotta admit, that is an awesome name.

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Giggling...for sure!

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That's a James Cameron-level invented name if ever there was one.

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The reason why this snake oil crap keeps happening is because there’s so little oversight and regulation. Some of these can actually make you very sick.

A little OT but maybe not but my sister gives my mother cereal to eat all day cuz mom will eat it (dry handfuls) and because as sis says, at least it’s fortified with vitamins and minerals. And I am like you know what comes with vitamins and minerals? Fresh fruits and vegetables.

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