I never understand why Hollywood women marry such awful men.

When we were both at NYU, Meg Ryan and her luminous eyes turned me down for a date. Her marriage didn't work out.

I also have unrelieved crushes on Whitney Houston, Rae Dawn Chong, Diane Lane, Catherine Bell, Demi Moore, Kelly McGillis, Robin Givens, and Jenny Shimizu, to name a few.

So my message to Keke: Sorry, my dear...if I was a good bit younger and single, I'd be asking you what you're doing for dinner this evening.

Whitney married her manager, told us "crack is wack," drowned in the tub from "wack," and was a secret bisexual.

Diane Lane and Rae Dawn Chong had disastrous marriages.

Catherine Bell, Demi Moore, and Jenny Shimizu turned out to be lesbians.

Worst of all, Robin Givens married the brutish Mike Tyson. When I edited the story for my newspaper prior to us publishing it, I said, "This will be a disaster for Robin." It was. Mike beat her bloody.

I'm not a very good boyfriend, but a somewhat better husband. I think I would have provided better boyfriend/husband material for Meg, Diane, Rae, and Robin than their rotten choices.

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Not sorry to this man. This is great news for her. This douche said that crap to her thinking she’d roll over and take it and now he can just eat his heart out.

I believe Beyoncé had a song for this. Let’s see…I can have another you in a minute?

Frankly when I was like months postpartum if a man I thought loved me said that to me I will not finish the thought less I get banned and will just say “with votes” to that man.

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This loser tried to humiliate, dominate and denigrate her in public. And according to these trash men, she's not allowed to retaliate publicly? Good luck with that.

He came at the Queen and missed. Now he has to deal with the fallout.

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A relationship is not ownership. And not just because of the spelling.

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Oh she definitely was mocking him in the video, there at the end where she goes “cuz I’m a motha” and winks. And he roundly deserves it. Good for her. Fun song, too.

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if she had gone on stage nude it would still be none of his damn business. jesus christ. weirdos.

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Man, if I were some aspiring actor and I was lucky enough to knock up a musical superstar and have her want to be with me, I would keep my fucking trap shut and count my blessings.

If you don't trust her to be faithful, adjust; leave if you have to. Otherwise this is precisely the kind of situation for which "don't rock the boat" was invented.

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That’s what I don’t get about stuff like this. Let your SO show off that hot new dress or suit. Everyone can stare and pine all they want, but as long as your relationship is good, that’s all they’ll get to do; you’re the one who gets them back at the end of the day/tour/whatever.

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My other half has repeatedly said he WANTS me to draw admiring stares from other men, because he trusts me completely and it makes him feel good that he's the lucky guy that landed me. Going for the whole, "go on, covet my wife, ain't she cute?" thing. About the only time he's had anything to say about my actual clothing choices is when there was a stain on my shirt I wasn't aware happened, and he wanted me to know about it.

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My daughter is SMOKIN' hot, and she married a man who was the chubby pimply nerd in high school...AND a Scholarship Boy. He's since grown taller, gotten muscly, and works with computers making VERY good money.

For his high school reunion she dressed in rather tighter and more revealing clothes than is her normal wont; and was All Over him rather more than normal. She and husband both enjoyed the stunned looks.

Having a hot partner on your arm, that you trust and aren't trying to control, is one of the great joys of life.

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"“We live in a generation where a man of the family ..."

Stop right there - characterizing yourself as "the man of the family" is bushwa, especially when it appears he ain't the "breadwinner" in that family ( one "entertainment" site has his net worth at about $500k, while her's is estimated to be $7.5M

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$500K? He played CJ in KeyTV's SportsFan, Agent Moyo in Dawn of the Predator, Basketball Player in Games People Play, and Staff Sergeant Westbrook in Ultraman: A New Chapter. That's half a mil's worth of work?

I didn't even know Ultraman had an old chapter.

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I'm not sure if you believe that's too low or too high. I cannot really vouch for the entertainment site I saw that at.

Link: https://thefamilynation.com/darius-jackson-net-worth

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So, basically, take the sum he provided and divide by Trump.

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There seems to be an endless supply of people saying something nasty/controversial/idiotic in a public forum and then play the victim over the backlash.

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Rule 63! I was going to say that in the video she had Ushers facial expressions down pat.

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Twenty years from now….

“Look at that! Mom was burning it down then!”

“Mom’s still burning it down.”

“Pop’s not looking that good, though.”

Giggling commences.

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If i had Keke Palmer's body and confidence, that is exactly something I would wear to a show or a club (or a Waffle House) in Vegas. I mean, when in Rome...

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Dear Darius: She's Keke Palmer. Who the fuck are you again?

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The Man of the House.

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Well apparently not.

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Wade in on this please and thank you!

I have a niece who is 13 years old. She started dressing like she's 16 3 years ago. She's in full makeup now. Saw her recently and she's dressing like she's much older than she is. Her tops are low enough where her B cups are spilling out. Short shirts and shorts (showing butt cheeks), skirts and heels.

I believe everyone should be allowed to be who they are. I am concerned she is going to attract attention she is not mentally or emotionally prepared for. I have no children so I need some perspective and understanding here.

Is this how the majority of 13 year olds dress?

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Sounds like she is being influenced by something. Could be popular culture, could be family, could be friends, but it is most likely primarily the social environment in school.

Forget about her sartorial choices and start worrying about the culture she's growing up in (i.e. peers in school, that's the primary influence). At some point she's going to realize that there is something messed up going on. As preparation you can do a few things.

Firstly and most obviously, be a safe haven. Someone she can come to with questions, somewhere she can rant about the unfairness of the world without it backfiring on her. This requires protecting her right to privacy, so don't tell others about what she told you.

Secondly, make sure she knows that colleges and universities have entrance exams. If she can't get through school without serious trauma, she should know there are alternative routes to whatever her goals are or are going to be. She doesn't have to suffer through school. Sometimes knowing there are alternatives is enough, other times people need to make use of the alternatives or they will break.

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Not the kids my 8th grader hangs with, but they’re mostly gay and or non-binary. So grain of salt I guess. I thought many of the girls were dressed a bit old at graduation, but not inappropriately.

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It’s important for these kids to know that if the attention is not welcome, you do not have to accept it.

And, that if you’re dressing this way it is to please yourself, not to attract people who only care about your looks, not you.

Aunts and women friends are good people to share this message, and model behavior of a self sufficient woman.

And yes, they’re going to dress however they want, with or without approval.

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As a 13 year old they really don't have the advantage of a fully formed frontal lobe to determine if it's for themselves or others. At that age they are all about being accepted and will go to great lengths to get there.

I was once a 13 year old girl with parents who didn't instill a lot of confidence or independence. I didn't learn that until I left home at 19 and put myself through school.

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Many do. My niece is 13, same story and I feel the same way you do: be who you are, be confident, but yeah, attention is coming you’re way you’re not prepared for. It sucks that burden exists.

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I wonder if this is in some way sexualizing girls too early for them to be equipped to handle all that goes with that.

We will never be far enough away from 'she dressed too sexy and asked to be raped'. Now with abortion forcing birth we are staring very dark evil in the eye.

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It's not the clothing that is sexualising them, society is. The clothing is just a symptom. If a wound is red from infection you don't paint it, you clean it. The redness is not the problem.

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I suppose Darius Daulton can act in some movie alongside Kevin Federline.

(Honestly, I couldn't remember Britney Spear's former husband's name, and in looking it up, it seems like just a few hours ago Sam Asghari file for divorce from Britney)

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And Jonah Hill. It could be called "Controlling Losers FA and FO."

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