One must assume our new Justice is a SHINING STAR, if the Greene Creature doesn't like her. But, the Creature is not that much opposed to sexual deviancy, or she wouldn't keep hanging with Hebephile Goetz.

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She might profitably employ some of her free time learning how to spell "Mickey Mouse."

There is a whole song teaching you how to spell "Mickey Mouse," which I heard so many times that even I, no spelling bee champ, could handle it.

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Well there are a lot of crackers in the Sedition Caucus, although I wouldn't call any of them "good."

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Looks far smarter than a few judges I have encountered...

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Libel laws are much looser in England than they are in the USA. If she had reason to sue for falsehood she could have done so and won.

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I don't know what it is, but I love her smile and general demeanor. I'd love to have pancakes with her, her husband, and their daughter at my local breakfast joint.

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He was still at it as of at least an hour ago.

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“When you had a chance to support an African-American conservative, you used her ideology against her,” Graham said. “You blocked her from being considered by this committee, and we’re supposed to be like trained seals over here clapping when you appoint a liberal. That’s not going to work.”

The GOP had THREE opportunities to pick someone even moderate, including a seat they fucking stole from a moderate, but no they went all Handmaid's Tale with all three of them. That he thinks Biden and the Democrats should be forced to pick ANOTHER conservative Justice after they already packed the court full of 'em just pisses me off. Get fucked Linds.

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I got pulled over for a bad muffler in a small village and had to go to Mayor's Court. And they call Florida Hell's Waiting Room...

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Shouldn’t Marjorie Taylor Greene watch her mouth? Someone who protects “evil children predators” Isn’t Congressman Meathead Matt one of her besties?

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Again, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with their pedophilia smears if it weren't demonstrably proven that a good number of conservatives, particularly of late, ended up that way because they were pissed off that they were denied "pure" preteen pussy.

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Lauren Bobblehead's husband would like a word.

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Damn, that woman can SMILE..

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Trevor Noah put together a supercut of Republicans saying how great she is: https://www.instagram.com/p...

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Her responses will be carefully architected.

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