I suspect he can't, because Qevin's not hot enough to build Qevin a sad little boner.

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There is of course the "youthful indiscretion" of Henry Hyde to talk about.

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I'm beginning to doubt my own memory! I was sure that Leslie Stahl presented him with video evidence that Reagan raised taxes and he shut down, just sat and stared until his minder called a halt to the interview.

But now I can't find that. Just some dude chiming in to call Stahl a liar and they move on to something else.

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It's the Crapture, and it's real, goddam it! Just ask Kirk Cameron.

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He's dumb as a post and doesn't know it. People just keep patting him on the back and saying "Way to go big fella" and he just keeps failing up.

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I'll say it again. He's dumb dumb dumb dumb and has no notion of that fact

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You're gonna need some sort of AI for that as no human could keep up without running screaming into the void.

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The only way that 40's aren't the bare beginning of middle age is if you think you're living to be 120.

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Wasn't there also a staffer to either Paul pere or fils who wrote a racist screed, and the defense was "give him a break! He was just a 38 year old kid" or something like that?

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My nightly ritual of bathing in the blood of virginal peasant girls will ensure 120 will be the bare beginning of MY middle age.

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Sounds like a rock solid plan. I'm hoping for a Logan's Run sorta deal where I hit the point at which I will be accelerating towards being decrepit and I keel over dead. I expect that to be sometime next week.

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McCarthy is a textbook example of Dunning-Kruger Effect. He is too stupid to know how bad a liar he is. He is the Wile E. Coyote of House speakers, as The Hill succinctly put it.

Geez, Qevin, when you've lost the fascist ball-garglers at The Hill...

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Mark Sanford libelz!

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I hope Swalwell corners Kevin in the locker room after class for that remark.

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"The uploader has not made this video available in your country", for which I am duly grateful

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