So 100% this is Kevin McCarthy saying "RUSSIA, IF YOU'RE LISTENING...."

"We're going to pull aid from Ukraine if we win" translates to "Papa Putin, please help swing this election for the GOP."

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Congress should declare war on Saudi Arabia and take a bone saw to their whole shit bag evil country. The Saudi dictators are monsters who should have been erased on 9/12.Now they give kushner $2billion and side with Russia in our current economic cold war?Fuck MBS. Fuck Saudi ArabiaSeize their assets hurt them anyway possible.

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You seemed to be claiming that in the current state, the government has legal authority to mandate production levels, which is not at all the case. Arguing that our laws should be changed is one thing, but misstating the current situation is quite another.

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Ridiculous? What are you talking about? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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would he tho? or would he embrace this as the natural next step?

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will he be able to get it tho? pooty is a tad busy at the minute

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they also want to have Trump. It would be great if it was Trump. He can only work 2 hours a day, maybe. Comes in at 11, takes lunch for hours and leaves by 3. He could not even attend a meeting in that time.

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Part of his altar to Reagan.

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We're talking about the guy who thought a shrinking middle class was okay because some will become billionaires, right? It's always been, "Me first and gimme, gimme." I think he hated the Eastern Bloc because the leaders sucked at being rich.

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Russia was Communist then, so the American Right wanted Russia to lose then.

Russia is Fascist now, so the American Right wants Russia to win now.

But you knew that already, amirite?

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I did, but in practice Soviet communism wasn’t so very different from fascism, was it?

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Well as GQP voters have about as much understanding of international affairs as they do of fetal viability and the rarity of 'voluntary' third term abortions, letting the brain farts of that portion of the body politic dictate what we do regarding stopping the destruction of a system of international relations that has overall kept the peace doesn't seem to be the best way forward.

Fuck Qevin McCarthyFuck Ted Cruz

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What the fuck is a GQP, and who is Qevin?

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Grand Old Party reborn as the party embracing the insane nonsense that "Q" has spewed into their brains, e.g. Trump is still president and Dems are baby-eating monsters. Qevin is Kevin McCarthy, who has turned his head and mumbled lies every time he's been asked about the validity of the presidential election.

You're welcome.

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