I will vote NO on August 8, in absentee spirit.

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Whaat?!! I thought the Republican motto was "Get the government off your back and into your bedroom, where it belongs!"

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Great ad. Even republican voters might cringe at the embarrassing message.

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Especially that Republican! He looks like a pedophile.

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The "clarence" has said he is lusting for Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects the liberty of married couples to buy and use contraceptives without government restriction.[1] The case involved a Connecticut "Comstock law" that prohibited any person from using "any drug, medicinal article or instrument for the purpose of preventing conception". The court held that the statute was unconstitutional, and that its effect was "to deny disadvantaged citizens ... access to medical assistance and up-to-date information in respect to proper methods of birth control." By a vote of 7–2, the Supreme Court invalidated the law on the grounds that it violated the "right to marital privacy", establishing the basis for the right to privacy with respect to intimate practices. This and other cases view the right to privacy as "protected from governmental intrusion".[2]

clarence wants to overturn it, and most other cases depending on a "right to privacy."

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The GOP has imploded and been hijacked by its most extreme far-right fringe elements; a conglomeration of now largely defunct organizations known by various titles like the John Birch Society, the Liberty League, the Liberty Lobby, the American Nazi Party, the KKK, The Order, the Aryan Nations, the Tea Party, just to name a few. Most of. which have now either been dissolved or looted and bankrupted (like the Tea Party) or have merged with more conventional conservatives and various religious factions.

But those religious factions have now also been taken over by a fairly new kind of authoritarian white-supremacist fundamentalism, known variously as Christian Dominionists or Christian Nationalists, who want to scrap democracy and install a strict fundamentalist government; or theocracy, along the lines of Islamic governments or autocratic governments like Saudi Arabia and Fascist Italy, which these authoritarians, like Trump, are known to admire.

To further complicate and obfuscate the descent of the GOP into their artificial alternative reality, Trump has ushered in a slew of religious con artists like Franklin Graham and other sleazy TV preachers, as well as obnoxious religious ignoramuses like Gohmert, MTG, et al, who give the GOP a nauseating vertigo that comes from being completely untethered from any rational, objective reality.

But most Americans seem oblivious to these changes, and still view conservative Christians as harmless church-going folks who vote for guys like John McCain or Bob Dole, so they simply don't grasp what this new GOP has turned into.

And what they have turned into is an ugly pathological resurrection of the psychotic Puritanism that gave us the ACTUAL Witch Hunts that murdered millions of women during the Dark Ages, burned people at the stake, ritually murdered 19 women during the Salem Witch Trials – and are now threatening to destroy the United States as we know it.

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Justin's dad got the hang of this problem over fifty years ago. "The state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation" Pierre Elliot Trudeau, 1967.

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So we do kink shame now? Very disappointed.

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Your reading comprehension seems bad.

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government so small it fits inside a condom.

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I've always said that the Rethugs want government off your back, and into your bedroom, where it belongs.

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Ewww and the worst part is that it's true...ya bunch rwnj fuckers.

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I'm beginning to form an opinion that I may not agree with these fascists, or "conservatives" or "republicans" as the kids are calling them these days. Maybe I'll research this some more by seeing what the usual gang of pundits thinks about all this. Surely they'll have a reasonable explanation and I won't have to worry about it. I mean, what harm could they possibly do? End voting rights? Ban abortion? Dismantle the ACA? C'mon - impossible!

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Here's something that may explain a thing or two about RW'ers prurient Puritanism: https://www.counterpunch.org/2002/12/31/dressing-to-the-left/

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I've said it for years it's one big pissing match on the right. They can't do shit with their own lives so they go around trying to control everyone elses.

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That was fabulous

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Life began when Adam done Eve! Don’t interfere with God’s plan! Y’all ride bareback, ya hear?!”

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This, from the party that just bangs on and on about FREEDOM, and how we must defend ourselves against government tyranny. The party of small government, which wants to police our genitals in all the ways they can think of. If you asked me, we have quite a number of ACTUAL problems in this country, none of which are made any better by bluenosed Pecksniffs getting up in everybody's business.

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Freedom FOR THEM. Not Freedom for thee!

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Bluenosed peckersniffs for the win

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Uh, I thought our subscriptions would come over with us?

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They did. But it's hard to tell. Any subscription payment arrangements that you made before the move over to sub stack are still active. it is a bit confusing.

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