King Charles Recuperates From Grueling Coronation In Romanian Hideaway! Tabs, Tues., May 23, 2023
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Hey, so Donald Trump selling pardons like a common street hustler is probably a bad thing, right? (New Republic)
Will Bunch makes some very good points about this major Trump scandal lying around in plain sight for more than two years. (Philadelphia Inquirer)
New York skyscrapers are causing the city to sink. That sounds dystopian but we haven't reached the point where wild vines cover the Empire State Building. (The Guardian)
The Los Angeles Dodger folded to Marco Rubio's bigoted complaints and ended up pleasing no one. Support for marginalized groups demands more than standing by us when it's popular. You have to stick up for us when it's inconvenient. (Twitter)
“Just infuriating. Organizations want cool points for being ✌🏾allies✌🏾but when the heat comes, they cower. Newsflash: Supporting marginalized groups means standing up to the people who prefer they not exist. It might cost you relationships. It might create animosity. If you’re not…”
— Jemele Hill (@Jemele Hill) 1684693246
Jemele Hill also delivers an amazing profile of newly freed Britney Griner. (The Atlantic)
Kyrsten Sinema from the Sinema Party has used campaign donations to fund a "life of luxury," which some folks consider unethical. We're talking trips to Paris resorts, jets, limos, and Michelin-starred restaurants. (Jezebel)
Some asshole school officials tried to force a Mississippi trans girl to attend her graduation wearing "boy's clothes." Cruelty won't make this student any less of a young woman, but it did cause her to miss her own graduation. (The Daily Beast)
America's current "propaganda apocalypse" didn't just happen overnight. It's been building for decades while we mostly ignored it. (Dame)
Ron DeSantis is pure evil but that's not Casey DeSantis's fault. The Lady Macbeth trope is tedious. Also, DeSantis could never sell the "dagger of the mind" monologue. (The Nation)
Acting Secretary of State Cheryl Myers says that former Secretary of State Shemia Fagan's staff warned her repeatedly about doing business with embattled cannabis dispensary company La Mota. (Willamette Week)
“Senior staff advised Secretary Fagan against working with La Mota from the very beginning,” acting Secretary of State Myers told WW on Friday. “We advised her against taking the contract, and when she recused herself, we advised her to disclose the relationship publicly. We again advised her to quit the contract when we learned about the company’s tax and legal troubles from the Willamette Week. ”
Myers added: “Unfortunately, the secretary never presented this as a question. The secretary had predetermined she would take the contract from the moment she brought the issue to our attention. Our advice was ignored.”
Tom Hanks visited a Portland, Oregon typewriter shop — something that would obviously exist in Portland — and was very Tom Hanks about it. (Also Willamette Week)
Angela Stanton-King was a homeless mother just released from prison. Now, she's helping other single, pregnant women restart their lives. (AJC)
The hard-right shift at the Sumner County Commission in Tennessee is hardly a surprise but still alarming. (Associated Press)
The six wives of Henry VIII imagined as a girl group — that's why I love musical theatre. (LA Times)
Gotta love Robin Thede. "What up? I'm three!"
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