Wow. TWENTY-FIVE. I, for one am IMPRESSED.

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Well, before, he said he didn't NEED to larn any history of the Middle East to negotiate peace there. Is this learning?

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Found on Twitter.Anyone ever wondered about Republicans and their obsession with Israel!


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Honestly this deal seems suspiciously bad. Like, deliberately-insulting bad. Manufactured pretext for doing something terrible bad.

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In other news, a harp seal has been dispatched to resolve a conflict between the emperor penguins and a large school of lantern fish.

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I keep expecting Trump to crow about the great boom in American railroad Cattle Car and Modular Delousing Shower industries.

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The Palestinian Corleone family leadership have to ask themselves a question: Do they want to have a state a part of this lucrative drug trade? Do they want to have a better life? If they do, we have created a framework for them to have it and we're going to treat them in a very respectful manner. Probably better in Sicilian.

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There's just something wrong with his face. I can't put my finger on what, exactly. I also love how it's somehow only the Palestinians who are corrupt, when Netanyahu (the Israeli PM, for fuck's sake), has actually been indicted on charges of corruption. It's just 1984, over and over again.

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It's the Evangelicals' fault. They believe they can force Armageddon and the Second Coming (TM) if they push all the Ay-Rabs out of Israel.

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Perhaps it will be if we re-elect 45, but for some reason Bibi keeps getting re-elected. I'm forced to believe that Israelis don't actually want peace.

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Does Kushner read Arabic?

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For that matter, written by anyone other than Israei sympathizers, or US based (and biased) ones... and any by historians or academics familiar with the region (not just the Bible)?

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He's a punk just like Trump.

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One of my gay friends has said that since he dances and dresses like some straight schlub that he's afraid their going to take away his toaster.

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Never any facial hair or beard stubble, for one thing. So he looks like a Ken doll. Also, I can't help but imagine him in an SS uniform.

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Twenty-five books? I'm betting that two of them were "Fun With Dick and Jane" and "Everyone Poops."

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