How Did Workers Do In This Election? Quite Well In Places That Aren't Tennessee!
That tracks!
This week, Michigan reelected Democrat Gretchen Whitmer as governor and flipped both houses of its Legislature to give her pro-worker Democrats to work with; now the word on the street is that their first order of business will be repealing the state's "Right to Work" (for less) laws — a recognition of both the state's heavily unionized industrial bases and what those unions mean for everyone .
But labor was specifically on the ballot in many states across the country this week. And for the most part, voters have been siding with the workers and against "the man" — even in some conservative states like Nebraska. So let's take a look at how some of that went/is going!
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Yeah, it sucks super hard and is totally undemocratic.
When teens are doing the job that adults are supposed to do but are to lazy to do.