Oct 5, 2023·edited Oct 5, 2023

Subtle much? (Am I showing my advanced years, or does Boebert's evening style resemble that of a $50.00 hooker?)

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More like a $20 and a shitload of vodka hooker.

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Re:Sinatra not a racist. Hard to believe now but Charlton Heston, Mr NRA for the youngsters who don’t know the name, took part in lunch counter sit-ins in the 60’s. Years later Clara Luper, OKC’s civil rights leader stunned liberals because she didn’t oppose his “more guns” campaign. It was out of respect for those days. Damn my f’ing arthritis is killing me.

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Sinatra was not a racist. He didn't care what the race was of the poor shmucks that he'd order his bodyguards to work over. An equal opportunity thug.

Actually saw this happen in a casino lobby in the '60's. Guy wanted an autograph and Sinatra had both of his arms broken in front of his wife and kids. Eventually, he was barred from every casino and club in town.

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Let me point out that Clara wanted gun control but wouldn’t attack Moses.

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BoBo handles the prestige and privilege of her congressional office much the same as a swamp rat handles lottery winnings. Broke and homeless in four years.

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Paraphrasing from Twitter:

Boebert: "Take your children to CHURCH, not drag shows."

Volatile Mermaid: "When giving your boyfriend a handjob, do it in PRIVATE."

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Those 'girls' must be new, the way she's showing them off in that dress.

Either that, or she's going to work after the show. And I don't mean in Congress, if you get my drift.

And see that you do.

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Either massive implants (you can see the edge of the implant) or a truly tremendous uplift bra, the kind that's 3/4 padding.

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Hey, Boobs Boebert dresses like that for floor votes. At least she keeps the vaping in the toilet, where she picks fights with Marjorie Man-Hands Green, another very classy lady. Who's the little bitch now?

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I just read this. I was hiding out after being duly chastised. In my mother’s lexicon she wd be “Jezebel.”

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Hey hey hey, she was only jiggling the extremities on that walking widow's peak and letting him jiggle *her* extremities in public because she's *so broken up about her divorce from that dude who waved his extremities at a bunch of minors by a bowling alley*, you MONSTERS.

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Later in the video she's seen twirling like they just got kicked out of McDonalds.

I'm reminded of Sir John Gielgud in Arthur; "One must normally go to a bowling alley to meet a woman of your stature"

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Or Tim Meadows in "The Ladies Man": "I have made love to many fine ladies from the lowliest bus station skank to the classiest, most sophisticated, educated, debutant, high society... bus station skank."

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"She's got a balcony you could do Shakespeare from!"

"Oh, Mudhead..."

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Shoes for industry!

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We can always mine her for silicone.

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High School Madness FTW!

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so why is she dressed like she is going clubbing? Maybe she thought this was the Beetlejuice Club?

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trash gotta trash ...

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The woman was VAPING."

Vaping next to a pregnant woman, who asked her to stop -- in case there was any doubt that there is ANYTHING these troglodytes care about LESS than pregnant people.

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"Lauren Boebert with some wastebaskets"


The fact that this caption does not contain the words "trash" or "garbage" indicates that Evan has far more restraint than I have, or ever will have.

Granted, setting the bar low -- but still.

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Can't take her anyplace?

Hell, you can't even *dress her up*.

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I just fear for all the children at the performance who will now go around sticking their hands into women's chests like the groomers showed them.

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Classy Bobo. Power corrupts, and requires restraint, self-awareness and humility or is easily abused. I love how she and her sleazy team pretend it was her “enthusiasm” for the arts that was being shamed, so shame on us. Except the video shows exactly why she has the reputation that she does, and why she stayed married to a dude who flashed his weenis at a bowling alley. The answer is “class.” Then, when caught lying, she blames her rude and childish behavior on her grief over her divorce, once again shaming us. We are such monsters.

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