Others beat me by a mile about how Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ didn't poison his followers with tainted pork sliders. (Not that Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ever ate any meat of a cloven-hoofed beast in his entire life.)

As I recall, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was angry only once and the issue was about money changers. Hmmmm.

Another dissimilarity: Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ never wore a hot pink thigh high raiment.

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Facts ain't important when you gots JAYSUS! They do the same thing with the Constitution: never read it but swear it says that the whole point was for Christians and conservatives to have dominion over lesser beasts like women and non-Christians and non-whites and stuff.

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I believe ToeBert also said something about ‘knowing Jesus’.

Meanwhile Jesus is all like Mariah Carey, ‘I don’t know her.’

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It does if you scrunch your eyes up.

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I don't usually quote scripture, but I'll make an exception because of its relevance here:

Jesus: "Depart from me into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger and you did not invite me in. I needed clothes and you did not clothe me. I was sick and in prison, and you did not look after me."

Lauren Boebert: "Lord, when did I see you hungry or thirsty, or in need of clothes, or sick or in prison and not help you."

Jesus: "Whatever you did not do for the least among you, you did not do for me."

If her god existed, he wouldn't just "cancel" her. He'd condemn her to an eternity of unremitting torment for her lack of concern for those in need. He would also grant a bunch of "godless" liberals entry into heaven because they actually gave a shit about their fellow man. How's that for irony?

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As a sane, rational, liberal expat boomer, you can damn well believe I'm going to vote and the only 'r' on the ballot will be one in my middle name, which I never use anyway. Just like the other 'R's for which I have no use.

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Boebert's each new utterance could make you yearn to drain an entire Nebuchadnezzar all by yourself. I didn't know that was a big champagne bottle. I've heard of Jeroboams -- or "Cherrybums" as the Duchess of Duke Street called 'em. Nebuchadnezzars are a new one on me, and it's too late now; doctor's orders are that I eschew alcohol.

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Oh, look. A cheerleader in Congress!

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She and Sinema the Ridiculous need to party.

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I dated the one on the right.

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Hell yes!

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I don't see "cute", "pretty", "sexy" or any kind of positive physical attribute when the vessel is vapid, mean, or evil. The empty head ruins it all.

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That show is hilarious, but I really feel like they could have easily edited out the vomit.

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Then there was the nonexistent "empire" of the equally nonexistent King Solomon, for which no archeological evidence has ever been found but which some of the religious claim as justification for Israel to seize territory from the headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers to the Red Sea.

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Take a look at the cult-like responses to the Huckabee 'interview' with Boobert.

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Hi. I am sorry to hear what your dad had to go through. That sounds like it was terrible.

Dad weathered COVID quite well. I did get him monoclonal antibody treatment right away. However, I caught it from him and I have had a bit of a hard time with it. I'm triple vaxxed but I stupidly leaned close to him to give him dinner -- without my mask. I had about a week of being flat on my back and now I'm just feeling run down. Each day gets a teeny bit better though. At least the nasty cough is gone. I'm such a goofball to begin with, it might be hard to determine whether I have long COVID.

Dad turned 17 on July 19, 1945. You can see that if we hadn't dropped the bombs, he would have been on the next boat to the Japanese mainland. The bomb has always horrified me. So it's a mighty conundrum that there's a good chance it may have saved his life. Thanks for the kind health words and the drawing. Talk to you soon.

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