Does slowly poisoning his four children count?

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Wearing a MAGA hat means many things to many people, for me, it says, "I'm an easily manipulated democracy-hating jerk." That's just me, I'm sure there is a rainbow of other interpretations.

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Yeah, just keep talking, Schmeck. Things will absolutely go better for you. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Well, papists don't really count as "good Christians" among some fundi sects

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"old Grease-Grundle"

Fer Crissakes Evan, I'm trying to eat my pancakes over here!

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People like this labor under the magical fantasy that they are the silent majority^^THIS^^They think that because everyone in their white bread homogeneous circle, no matter how wide (but 1200 people attend my Journey church every Sunday!), is in agreement with them, that that automatically translates to EVERYONE in the whole country agreeing. Except for *those* people, you know. Who are ILLEGAL so shouldn't count in the first place. Ugh.

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It’s the hypocrisy that always gets me. I can’t help imagining the howling if someone had said “Truck Fump” to his face.

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There is a remarkable congrucongruence of philosophy.

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I've said this before but one of Fox's biggest crimes is making people believe they are in the majority. This is why they can't believe Biden won. This is nearly as disprovable with minimal research as dropping a rock proves gravity but you don't research shit if you really don't want to know the truth.

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Donald Trump is my president, and he should be president right now, the election was 100 percent stolenYou're in the wrong country, asshole. Move to Assholestan where TFG is president and god.

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Sadly, entirely too believable.

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That's what that Hawthorn’s scarlet letter A stands for - asshole!

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Forget feeling sorry for Schmeck. Feel sorry for his 4 kids. They’re being raised by an ignorant adolescent who’s living in his own little “frat house of the mind”. His poor kids are stuck there with him until they turn 18.

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🎶 So I left the police department🎶

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JFC could someone just investigate why this guy “left” the police department and his dad with the weapons trafficking charge and the $400k PPP loan already?

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