Good morning, time to read the tabs!
Trump and crimes? I don’t believe I’ve ever heard those two words together before! (AP)
I don’t know how long I’ve had this tab open, but it’s an excellent package on just how fucked up the January 6 rioters were, and just what a liar Trump is about it. It’s … what’s the word … damning. (AP)
“Make them riot. DO IT!!!” That’s a Trump campaign guy, Mike Roman, right before literally trying to incite a riot to shut down the Detroit vote count in 2020. (The Fucking News)
Trump only okayed emergency wildfire aid to Orange County, California, after an adviser showed him that they’d voted for him. (OC Register)
Heritage Foundation, of whom you may have heard, helpfully doing all the scut work to find tens of thousands of government workers Trump would want to purge in his second term. They are doing this, obviously, by
delug[ing] federal agencies with thousands of Freedom of Information Act requests over the past year, requesting a wide range of information on government employees, including communications that could be seen as a political liability by conservatives. Among the documents they’ve sought are lists of agency personnel and messages sent by individual government workers that mention, among other things, “climate equity,” “voting” or “SOGIE,” an acronym for sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.
Fuck yeah, these guys will obviously do only good things with all your emails, and none of them will get Pizzagated at all. Please be sure to purge all your risotto recipes of satan stuff. And no more meeting with civil rights groups, voting rights groups, Native American groups, climate change groups, etc., that is obviously illegal. Oh and: Heritage FOIA demands, 50,000 over the past couple years, sometimes come in at one per second. “The worker said they now spend a third of their work time processing requests from Heritage, including some that seek communications that mention the terms ‘Biden’ and ‘mental’ or ‘Alzheimer’s’ or ‘dementia’ or ‘defecate’ or ‘poop.’” (Pro Publica)
Longshoremen’s strike over, solved with tons of cash! :D It’s been on for, I think, two days? And rightwing liars were already like “WE ARE OUT OF TOILET PAPER AND WE DIED.” Lol. (CNN)
Here is where you buy your Wonkette Kamala stickers and tattoos and keychains and shot glasses and coffee cups and aprons and shirts!
Twitter posts about Hurricane Helene were just all misinformation and lies and hoaxes, meaning the actual important information in a life-threatening emergency couldn’t surface, shruggy emoticon! (NPR)
Greg Sargent talked to Jamison Foser about how the Right was going to freak out about the CBS debate moderators no matter what they did, because that is exactly what was going to happen no matter what! (New Republic)
Come watch.
Oh no, they maybe should NOT have relied on Griftin’ Charlie to do their entire ground game? Lol. (Talking Points Memo)
South Western School District in York County, Pennsylvania, cut a hole in the bathroom wall of its middle school to make a window … again, just to clarify, this is a window into the bathroom … but only for the nonbinary bathrooms. For safety. Parents are livid. (Hanover Evening Sun)
Democratic Native American lady in Idaho says “actually yes, racism and discrimination exist,” and Republican state senator flips the fuck out and tells her to go back where she came from. Dog bites man so far. But the Democrat’s Republican opponent for a state House seat — not that one state senator douche, somebody else — is like “yes, the Democratic Native American lady is correct, that is what happened.” So there’s your man bites dog. (Boise State Public Radio)
Which of the newest MacArthur Fellows am I most envious of today? Well I don’t personally know any of them this time, so no seething for me! (MacArthur Foundation)
I’m not saying you shouldn’t take your child to Paris; I hope to! I’m not saying you shouldn’t try really hard to get them to like varied foods; I’m with you! I’m not saying that as long as there is war and poverty in the world nobody should have anything nice; we all should have nice things! And I’m not saying there’s a thing wrong with this child, who is a child and he is fine. What I am saying is there has never, ever, ever been a more tone-deaf story than whatever the fuck the New York Times is doing with its “we took our child to Paris to see if a dozen French chefs could make him like eggs.” This is not charmant! It is tres the worst! No gift link, click the regular one if you want to feel like punching some grownups in the face! (NYT)
OH HI IT’S EVAN! And at my Friday place, it’s time for a deeeeeeeeeeep dive into the creepy motherfucker Christian Nationalist Dominionist white supremacist bozos who love JD Vance so much, and he loves them back so much too! The idea of Vance being one heartbeat from the presidency grows ever more terrifying. Come by! Share! Subscribe! [The Moral High Ground]
OK Evan out!
Just this one Wonkette classified really. And not an ad or nothin’, just looks like TWO GREAT JOBS! YOU should apply for these political “Climate Cabinet” jobs, one in Milwaukee, and one in Springfield, Illinois! They pay fuckin’ sweet too! And then you can send me money! :D (Greenhouse)
What’s coming right up? It’s the Wonkette Halloween party for YOU on Sat., Oct. 26, 7 p.m., at our home! Email rebecca at wonkette dot com, email header I AM NOT COMING TO KILL YOU, for our address! Free of course, but donations will be accepted for the Michigan Democrats!
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They say you should put a second subscribe button at the bottom, so.
Happy Friday! Here is your ged gif source attrib link:
And your almost-weekend meme chat:
Good article at TFN re Smith laying bare any Twitler defense of “not knowing he’d lost.” But also this nugget, which I know will interest those that have been commenting about it:
““Curb Your Enthusiasm” actress Cheryl Hines reportedly is considering divorcing husband Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Not for his decades of deadly anti-vaccine crusading. Not for his alleged sexting with writer Olivia Nuzzi. Not even for the newest report of Kennedy’s affairs with one two three separate women. According to the New York Post, one potentially non-fictional source allegedly said, “The guy is a serial philanderer and she knew that coming in.” So, that’s not the problem. No, the problem is Kennedy’s unsavory relationship with a man: Donald J. Trump. As one alleged source allegedly said, “[S]he never signed up to be a member of Trump World!” We know how you feel.”