I am suffering to see Suckabee suffer. We Are the World when it comes to the malnourished. I have heard so many tales about the Second Amendment, but I think I read one of the most illuminating recitations about the amendment recently, and it is found in the Economist. A corpus was developed, independent of the Economist, in which certain words and phrases in certain periods could be pinpointed for meaning. Of particular interest in the Second Amendment is the phrase "right to bear arms." It was found, in referring to the corpus, that when the amendment was authored, the phrase "right to bear arms" was used in connection with the maintenance of militias almost exclusively, and did not confer on individuals the right to own armaments. Scalia, in an opinion relevant to the Second Amendment, claimed that we must understand the original language used at the time the document was authored, but he conveniently used current day meaning without referring back to the time period in which the Second Amendment was authored. He was as much of an apostate as those he accused of viewing the Constitution as a living document. He was no more a strict constructionist than any other babba who claims to have some insight into the strict meaning of the Constitution.

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That can't be that hard? What is wrong with you people?

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Whatever possessed her to call on this kid in the first place? The whole "tear episode" seemed a bit too contrived for my liking. I keep harkening back to the sniffling incident with Jim Boener back in the day. I'm sure that wouldn't have even happened were he not a depressive drunk.

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I propose some new rules. The NRA has to pay the medical bills and funeral services for gun victims. They can fund this through increased member ship fees, or a tax on guns and ammo, collected by the NRA instead of the IRS. It would help make the NRA more popular too.

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Re: Boener: Are you kidding? That dude would start bawling if you told him you were all out of Grape Nuts.

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The Galaxy Song https://g.co/kgs/7hjHxZ

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I'll bring the Amontillado.

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Hi Saxo! Your post is weird but I like you. Thanks again for kindly giving me a ride home from the Wonkette Sonoma Drinky Thing last year. I always try to practice good grammar when I post here, in your honor. I am sad for your loss of Mrs. Grammarian.

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[wanted to make a joke about drinking dogs but ---I got nuthin']

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...school shootings are this completely preventable thing that we as an NRA-cowed nation have determined is totally not preventable by material means — only “thoughts and prayers,” which if they were in any way effective, the NRA would run fear-mongering ads against.Hmph, nice. Makes me wonder when someone will blame school shootings on that.

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Way back when Ma Huckabee was pregnant with Sarah, and she was just a wee zygote, she sprouted an identical twin zygote. Imagine that, twin Sarahs! The thing is, there was just one soul, and that soul inhabited the twin, not Sarah. Not long after that, the twin was reabsorbed into Sarah, and so Sarah was born as a human chimera - part Sarah, part twin. The emotion we saw came from Sarah's reabsorbed twin (who has a soul), not from Sarah (who doesn't).

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Clear plastic backpacks or GTFO!!!

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I got in a fight with a brain dead rightwinger, with their usual, "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."

I pointed out that no outlaws did any of our mass shootings, whether schools or postal. Every single one had been done by a perfectly law abiding citizen.... until they picked up a gun and shot everybody.

The problem is GUNS, too fucking many guns, too fucking available. In my opinion, to own a gun one should have to show need and take a psychological.

Then they blocked me.

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And that gets split between 5.4 million public school children in Texas, or translates into $20.37 per student. Or divided between the 8,700 schools, that's $12,000 roughly per school. Sounds good, until you price materials and staff.

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Should I go over to Lakeview Cemetery on my way home, and take a picture of the Collinwood School Fire memorial, to remind people why limited exits on schools might not be the most ideal solution? (you can google it if you don't know what I'm talking about. And ye gods, there's a video? I don't think I want to know).

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