The fact that you are on Substack is the main reason I DON'T subscribe. You've slid WAY downhill since going there.

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For years, the right wing Incels were whacking off to Taylor Swift, certain that was their Aryan goddess dream.

She let them down by being an intelligent and completely reasonable person. A liberal through and through!

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Apologies to Jimmy Buffett, but: I'm so excited you got to go to the best damn State Fair in these here United States!!! What was your favorite thing that you ate? Also, your experience was not an anomaly: crop artists *stay* woke. And getting your portrait made by the butter-sculpting gal is almost entirely a formality, because she only knows how to make one kind of face. If a particular Princess Kay is lucky, she has a distinctive enough hairstyle so that she kinda sorta looks different from the other butterfaces.

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he doesn't need the money because he is *dead*!!!!!

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Yeah, well, the Columbia County Fair has baby kangaroos you can cuddle.

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The little inch-long buggers?

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One of my co-workers lived in Key West for a few years, and she knew Jimmy Buffett slightly, which apparently everybody did.

She said he was pretty much like his image -- a nice, easygoing, laid-back guy, who took constantly being buttonholed by strangers with surprisingly good grace.

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I roadied for him for a few weeks. He was the nicest performer I ever worked for. He'd come up to where the roadies were staying with a case of pouilly-fuissé and plenty of weed and get snockered with us.

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I was thinking about the phenomenon of no longer listening to a musical artist you once loved. Then I thought about Pink Floyd, and realized I didn’t really like their music long before I found out that Roger Waters holds right-wing views. I’m happy to switch off PF whenever it comes on. Eric Clapton is a harder case. I’m not going to stop listening to Cream and Derek & the Dominoes.

Related example: I can still speak fondly of the character, Dr. Huxtable, if I don’t think about the actor who played him.

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Second thing fiirst... always a fan of Cream, despite Crapton. Simple fact if that Jack bruce had a great voice, and in addition to being one of the best rock bassists ever, also did very well on cello and piano. Ginger Baker was easily a greater drummer than many, including the overrated John Bonham. Of course Ginger was basically an asshole to everybody.

Derek & the Dominos was the last good thing Crapton ever did, but that was because of Duame Allman..

Notice that the presence of the boring Crapton has outlived three way more talented musicians... Bruce, Baker, and Allman

As for Pink Floyd, for me the earlier albums are my faves (i.e., before the extremely overated ''Dork Side''). Also ''Wish You Were Here'' and ''Animals''' were very good, but that ''The Wall'' nonsense with the FUCKING CHILDREN WHO SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO SING. Never bought it, never will. Richard Wright was the best one in the band, after Syd Barrett died.

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Re: Pink Floyd.

I am astonished that David Gilmour, and Roger Waters could collaborate at all, much less successfully.

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"Team of Rivals" sort of thing I guess

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"It truly is amazing how they are surprised literally every time a musician turns out to be liberal."


This is about comedy specifically, but almost every creative endeavor is at least left-leaning.

"There's been research done on the subject, and it all concludes that outside of inventing reasons to kill the poor, conservatives aren't creative. ... Aside from their artless brains and empty souls, conservative creators have another big problem. They're anti-other, not pro-whimsy."


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By the way, in case nobody's mentioned it so far, Jimmy Buffett is no relation to Warren Buffett.

They were good friends for years, and both thought they were fifth cousins or something, but eventually got around to having a DNA test done, and it turns out they're not related at all.


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The para-Nazis and crypto fascists are always trying to co-opt our guys' music because the Righty Whities are so damn lousy. If I had to listen to Ted Nugent I'd be pissed off all the time too.

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"It truly is amazing how they are surprised literally every time a musician turns out to be liberal."

Actually not surprising at all. Conservatives ALWAYS assume anyone whose talent they respect must also be a conservative, because they know in their hearts that libruls are lazy, untalented hacks, not superior beings just like themselves. This is also why they assume Jesus is totally down with their prejudices and grifting. They think THEY'RE good people, and they think Jesus is good people, so naturally Jesus agrees with everything they do and hates the same people they hate!

The point is, to a conservative, admitting a liberal is in any way admirable is being disloyal to THE TEAM because of how it's us versus them. Note how the one commenter called him a "turn coat". See, he couldn't ALWAYS have been liberal because he used to be "good", so clearly something happened to him. Or like the other commenter suggested, someone is forcing him to say evil librul stuffs.

I mean, I've been a rabid Frank Zappa fan my entire life and I see people on Zappa forums and youtube claiming Frank would've totally been down with Trump. That's pure desperation right there.

What's especially hilarious is how they get all indignant about "musicians with political views". It's curious the way I never see any of them rise up in anger against Ted Nugent or Kid Rock. It's almost like they're all cognitive dissonance-huffing hypocritical tribalists or something.

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funny you should mention FZ. Didn't he once say that he intended to make UN-easy listening music? You have to admit the he succeeded at that. Buffett always seemed a bit easy listening, totally unchallenging, for my taste. All his fans I knew were the kind of people who "don't follow politics" i.e. self-involved mush heads.

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I remember a story about his cell phone being stolen and it having Bill Clinton’s number on it.

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No one ever worked as hard while looking so laidback.

Let’s point out one uncomfortable fact. Jimmy made the bulk of his fortune by “branding”; the same as Donald Trump… except Jimmy didn’t declare bankruptcy 6 times AND he really was a billionaire.

Oh yeah, and wasn’t indicted for federal or state felonies.

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

The real problem with branding is when someone buys or steals your brand and makes money while doing nothing creative. Remember how Halston lost his brand and was reduced to spending his millions? What was the world deprived of?

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Thanks Jimmy, for pissing off all the rednecks from a fellow alum of the University of Southern Mississippi. I think there were three liberals there in 1977.

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My late RWNJ brother was a big Parrothead. He died in hospice after the colon cancer he thought he'd beaten metastasized and started eating his brain. My wife was by his side playing him Jimmy Buffett songs on her phone when he died (I was out picking up my sister so we could be there, but we were a little too late). I hope that hearing those songs he loved made his transition into whatever comes next a little more gentle.

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Aw, rats, I’m sorry to have missed you at the fair! My favorite part is the creative activities building.

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