"Outlaw the use of fractions and percentages" - Any Republican

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That PhD wasn't earned.

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You're welcome, Craig.

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Brain surgeon known for leaving objects behind. In the brain. Like sponges. And also recommending and endorsing woo woo supplements.

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Or lie like Tillerson.

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Didn't watch. It would have required me to look up soporific in dictionary.com so I could use it in a comment (if comments were allowed).

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Ah, those guys, one of the 1980's more forgettable R&B duos. Plus very strange album covers.

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As long as they don't fuck with the Affordable Care Act, we should be in good shape.

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I knew an actual rocket scientist. True story, he didn't get his driver's license until he was in his thirties and had three fender benders his first day driving.

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No wonder we can't get anyone competent to work in government when we've set the bar that high.

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I love one of my Senators. Could easily live without Portman.

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I agree and if we get Mandel, I'm gonna be pissed.

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He's not wrong. Little short on the details, which I suspect will be a theme.

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