"Give those tongues a rest, boys!"

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I always hated her.

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Lady and the Trump?

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Ooh! Do you remember during the Republican primary when Trump gave out Lindsey’s digits to...everybody?? Lindsey had to get a new phone number. Haha- what a dick!

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Yeah, except for the fucking wingnut and secessionist infestation.

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Forget about swallowing the pride!

Just belly up, Lindsey, and swallow cum! That's all he wants from you.

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I think Lady Bird wanted to plant wildflowers to choke out the weeds. Just thinkin' out loud.

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Actually more Tennessee! Tennessee!

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And still voting for most of his agenda while wringing their hands.

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In the late winter--crows in the bare trees.Beware, travelers.

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It's turned into a mall. And its security seems directed more towards securing Russian rubles than American values.

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Ah the old Trump. Miss that too. The one on a crappy teevee show we could all ignore.

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Naturally the one time the junk food industry could finally do something good for America, totally drops the ball

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What does “proud to golf with” entail?I guess not the other dungheap of Nazi shitshow word splooges!

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Robots. And they’ll turn Trumpers into Soylent Redneck, run ads for them on Fox, sell it as a natural viagra suplement or whatever.

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