Why do these Sunday bobble head shows put this Puddin' Tart on their cameras his drawl sounds like a bad Cat on a Hot Tin Roof performance of Maggie the Cat. He goes from dumbface to a thousand fires of rage in 60 seconds and his pearl clutching garment rending is sooo predictable. He played this part in 1998vin the Clinton Impeachment hoax.

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Wow, Lindsey was twisting himself like a pretzel 🥨. Just to confirm, no world leaders were afraid of trump. As long as one flattered Trump & Co and gave them gifts it was all good. Any country could do what ever they wanted.

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It wasn't "spine": it's just that sucking up to Netanyahu is even more vital to evangelicals than sucking up to Trump. It's like that SNL "da Bears" skit when they had to face the awful choice: what if it was da Bears versus Ditka?

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As long as he continues to bottle those Big Mac and diet Coke farts, we'll be good.

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ha! before i even saw the mention about his hair i was wondering why on earth he has '90s Clea Duvall hair.

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One of the Devil's greatest accomplishments was convincing the MSM that Republicans could, if angered by their questions, withdraw the media's access to them. How long would that last? How many hours could any Republican in Washington go without getting his or her face in front of a camera?

They can't live without the media any more than the media can live without them. Start interrogating them like they were Democrats.

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The hair thing is easy enough. He's trying out Sarah Palin's "Bump It" thing for that little extra "poof" in back.

Now that's the "what" of his hair. I've got absolutely nothing on the "why" of his hair.

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Maybe he just likes a little extra poof in back.

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One of those crazy reality show moms that used to get dragged pretty thoroughly on Wonkette back 10 years ago or more had that super short hair with the poof in back. Perhaps it's simply an homage to crazy reality show moms everywhere.

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When we watched this all I could do is keep screaming at my husband "his HAIR! LOOK AT HIS HAIR!" and my husband wouldn't engage--this is one of the many reasons I come here. I KNEW someone else would note that hair!

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Yeah I hate being petty(LIES ALL LIES!) but wowie zowie that is a real style choice there Lins baby. Hit that sucker with a spray bottle and stick ‘er down, my dog. Either that or jus wear the tiara you originally had on, judgement free zone. (LIES ALL LIES!)

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It looks like Lindsey's hair is trying to escape from his head.

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I also think a flower barrette would look nice.

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Lindsey needs to go away to a "spa" for a couple of months and get his shit together.

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Lindsey's criticism of Biden looks like a hostage video.

"Yes, I am safe and well treated, but the imperialist running dogs of the Biden administration have caused a plague of vampires."

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I'd say that Lindsay used the same styling gel as featured in "There's Something About Mary"

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I'd say that Lindsay used the same styling gel as featured in "There's Something About Mary"

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Apparently Senator Graham is going as Donald Trump for Halloween.

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It's supposed to be a combover, not a combunder, Lindesy

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He liked the "bump" the comb-under gave his hair. It was so 90's girl!

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You are so right about the hair.....WTF.

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