Israel is the only nation on Earth that has been repeatedly attacked since its creation. And every time it defends itself, magical rules suddenly apply for how they are supposed to conduct themselves responding to a conflict or act of war. No other nation is expected to show restraint after they are assaulted first.
Netanyahu and the Likud party will give us a national dagger in the back as a thank you.
They're the same as our own Republinazi party/domestic terrorists.
My heart goes out to all the good people in Israel, the Gaza Strip, and the US that're held hostage by these deranged, right-wing lunatics, including the victims of Hamas.
It is not anti-semitic to criticize Israel's right-wing, genocidal, kleptocratic government that is committing crimes against humanity with impunity.
There is no other nation on earth that was more grotesquely pro-Tr666p and supportive of his cruelty, sadism, criminality, and depravity--they want Tr666p and the Republinazis to win and exterminate us, just as they're currently doing to the Palestinian civilians.
Most of the people in Gaza are poor refugees. If you look at the map, the area seems to be pretty prime coastal real estate. Year round weather is pleasant as well. Could it be that someone has decided it's just not a good place for a bunch of poor refugees to be inhabiting? Looks like a good location for luxury hotels, condos and golf courses to me. Just wonderin'
Israelis have been aware of Gaza's existence for longer than the last 7 months. Also, if the idea was to just take the real estate, Israel could have killed everyone in the space of a week.
People must first understand that the modern nation of "Israel" is NOT the biblical "Israel" it is NOT the "Holy Land" Bibi's administration is NOT Judaism nor does it represent Jewish beliefs and ideals as a whole. Disliking Bibi, his administration, or their policies does not make you Antisemitic.
Actually the original area allocated to the Jews by the British "Mandate for Palestine" validated by the League of Nations 1922-23, designated to be a "Jewish Homeland" was much larger than the 1948 agreement. I have my own misgivings about the motivation and intent of that "Mandate" far too lengthy to write here
OT: When Stormy said she didn't know how she "got there" in that situation, I think many women understand what that feels like. I'm in tears, because at those times, women "give in" under some kind of pressure they feel, and it's awful.
Not OT: This speech by Biden needs to be shown to everyone.
I get so angry and sad about this. What WE give up so that men can feel better about themselves while we wallow in doubt. I quit that shit a long time ago but when I was younger I did shit I would never do today.
I would think the majority of women have been there especially when men start with the patriarchy bullshit that has been ingrained since birth.
I keep going back to the movie Barbie I watched last weekend. America's throw down was epic and I found so many things in that short rant that resonated with me.
How many times have we had to back down, reword, walk away from, or give in to because the male ego is so fucking fragile they can't handle real life. All at the expense of our self esteem and value.
Again men, if this doesn't apply to you then move on. If it does then learn from it. This is not an all or nothing comment. It's been OUR experience. I work in the a world dominated by men, think Mad Men, because I LIVED that shit. I escaped it by starting my own business only to have to deal with the ceo's and their egos on a higher level.
It permeates every facet of life and men perpetuate and demand it. Anything past NO is control. All women need to learn, breathe and absorb that from a very early age. Putting assholes in your rearview mirror is a good thing.
Trump’s son Eric is sitting directly behind him in court, staring straight ahead as Stormy Daniels describes the sexual encounter and its aftermath in excruciating detail.
I hope they vote accordingly. I still remember the first time I heard him speak at the DNC. I had goosebumps. I knew he was headed for great things. His charisma is electric.
Can confirm the lack of redeeming value. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to turn him in at the skee-ball counter for a little rubber eraser shaped like a duck.
Ta, Evan. I wear a yellow Star of David every year ... but not this year. I'm not inviting hassles and hatred.
Israel is the only nation on Earth that has been repeatedly attacked since its creation. And every time it defends itself, magical rules suddenly apply for how they are supposed to conduct themselves responding to a conflict or act of war. No other nation is expected to show restraint after they are assaulted first.
I stand with Israel 100%.
Netanyahu and the Likud party will give us a national dagger in the back as a thank you.
They're the same as our own Republinazi party/domestic terrorists.
My heart goes out to all the good people in Israel, the Gaza Strip, and the US that're held hostage by these deranged, right-wing lunatics, including the victims of Hamas.
It is not anti-semitic to criticize Israel's right-wing, genocidal, kleptocratic government that is committing crimes against humanity with impunity.
There is no other nation on earth that was more grotesquely pro-Tr666p and supportive of his cruelty, sadism, criminality, and depravity--they want Tr666p and the Republinazis to win and exterminate us, just as they're currently doing to the Palestinian civilians.
(a) The *nation* of Israel didn't and doesn't support Trump.
(b) Trump is way more popular in countries like Russia and Hungary.
(c) The notion that Israelis want to exterminate Americans is screamingly absurd and quite antisemitic.
Actually that’s pretty antisemitic. I guess you forgot how this war started.
Most of the people in Gaza are poor refugees. If you look at the map, the area seems to be pretty prime coastal real estate. Year round weather is pleasant as well. Could it be that someone has decided it's just not a good place for a bunch of poor refugees to be inhabiting? Looks like a good location for luxury hotels, condos and golf courses to me. Just wonderin'
Israelis have been aware of Gaza's existence for longer than the last 7 months. Also, if the idea was to just take the real estate, Israel could have killed everyone in the space of a week.
Jared didn't make this mess. He's just gonna profit from it.
Live, Biden not at NYT!
Top New York Times Editor Offers Stunning Defense of Coverage of Trump
Why asking our media to get it right on Trump’s threat to democracy is not remotely the same as being in the tank for Biden
Stunning or sickening?
Sickening!!! The constant media coverage of Trump only elevates him. It's why he won in 2016
People must first understand that the modern nation of "Israel" is NOT the biblical "Israel" it is NOT the "Holy Land" Bibi's administration is NOT Judaism nor does it represent Jewish beliefs and ideals as a whole. Disliking Bibi, his administration, or their policies does not make you Antisemitic.
Biblical Israel was a much larger area than the 1948 agreements allocated to the Jews.
Actually the original area allocated to the Jews by the British "Mandate for Palestine" validated by the League of Nations 1922-23, designated to be a "Jewish Homeland" was much larger than the 1948 agreement. I have my own misgivings about the motivation and intent of that "Mandate" far too lengthy to write here
The Brits caused all this geopolitical/ religious strife in the Mid East. Why aren't they jumping in to help fix it?
For real. The Brits caused a helluva mess.
They're busy brexiting themselves into oblivion.
Kind of the same plan the "Right" has for the USA
Overall thought Biden’s speech was good. Little shaky at the start, but once he hit his stride it more than made up for it.
Also first time in the same room as a sitting President! Woo!
OT: When Stormy said she didn't know how she "got there" in that situation, I think many women understand what that feels like. I'm in tears, because at those times, women "give in" under some kind of pressure they feel, and it's awful.
Not OT: This speech by Biden needs to be shown to everyone.
I get so angry and sad about this. What WE give up so that men can feel better about themselves while we wallow in doubt. I quit that shit a long time ago but when I was younger I did shit I would never do today.
I would think the majority of women have been there especially when men start with the patriarchy bullshit that has been ingrained since birth.
I keep going back to the movie Barbie I watched last weekend. America's throw down was epic and I found so many things in that short rant that resonated with me.
How many times have we had to back down, reword, walk away from, or give in to because the male ego is so fucking fragile they can't handle real life. All at the expense of our self esteem and value.
Again men, if this doesn't apply to you then move on. If it does then learn from it. This is not an all or nothing comment. It's been OUR experience. I work in the a world dominated by men, think Mad Men, because I LIVED that shit. I escaped it by starting my own business only to have to deal with the ceo's and their egos on a higher level.
Brava! We are not just vaginas, put on Earth to be playthings, tolerated when not participating. Even if we're the boss, it's still there.
It permeates every facet of life and men perpetuate and demand it. Anything past NO is control. All women need to learn, breathe and absorb that from a very early age. Putting assholes in your rearview mirror is a good thing.
𝑱𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝑺𝒘𝒂𝒏
𝑴𝒂𝒚 7, 2024, 11:54 𝒂.𝒎. 𝑬𝑻 19 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒈𝒐
19 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒈𝒐
Trump’s son Eric is sitting directly behind him in court, staring straight ahead as Stormy Daniels describes the sexual encounter and its aftermath in excruciating detail.
Ha ha ha . . .
He thinks he's being intimidating. Stormy eats people like him for breakfast and she's not stupid.
Eric Trump, as Biff
So Beavis is in the courtroom. Where's Butthead?
Stuck in the revolving door.
OT: Tolkien writes in Elvish. And screws it up.
OT but it seems TFG / PAB was shocked when Marla Maples walked into the courtroom and began to testify.
Seriously, this happened?
Well it DID happen at a deposition in the E. Jean Carroll case when he identified the person in a photo of Ms. Carroll as a photo of Marla Maples.
THAT'S on the record.
So...I just extrapolated.
Thanks for the laughs!
"Yes he really was a minute man..."
IncompeDon is in for all sorts of surprises I suspect.
I hope it scares him to death.
Bibi does not = Jews: Trump does not = Americans.
Slogans are not nuanced, carefully crafted messages. Sometimes they are clunky. That doesn't mean we have to interpret them in the worst possible way.
Both are sociopaths.
Any word on what's going on in Rafah right now?
Stir that shit!
Almost like it begs mentioning.
President Biden's inspiring remembrance of the late Tom Lantos got those tears flowing copiously.
THIS was one damned powerful, touching, desperately necessary address.
He’s no Obama at speeches but he is one HELL of a Consoler in Chief.
Obama is extra special on many levels.
One of those Greatest of the Generation speakers. Gen X has given my fellow millennials a high bar with him and some others.
I hope they vote accordingly. I still remember the first time I heard him speak at the DNC. I had goosebumps. I knew he was headed for great things. His charisma is electric.
Trump clearly just assumed when he "invited her to dinner" that he was going to sleep with her. As we already knew, he has no redeeming values.
Everyone knows porn stars always want it.
Can confirm the lack of redeeming value. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to turn him in at the skee-ball counter for a little rubber eraser shaped like a duck.
"Rubber Duckie, you're the one..."
That's the sleaze-ball counter