Ta, Evan. Beloved fiancé Meccalopolis and I also went to an Undisclosed Location in upstate NY. We went up Saturday to avoid traffic, hung out with our dear friend and ate produce from her freezers, experienced totality, and kept our eyes covered with eclipse glasses. It was great. During totality, when it got twilight dark, the birds stopped singing and the frogs and crickets piped up.

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I bet hospitals the length and breadth of the path are braced for a wave of "My eyes hurt and I can't see good".

Sounds amazing. Apparently Australia's getting one in the next few years. Hope I get to see it.

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I hope you do, too. I got to see Supernova 1987a from the Great Barrier Reef; it was discovered simultaneously in NZ and Chile, and a couple from NZ brought their morning paper with the star map. I was the only person on the island (Lady Elliott) who could read the star map, and showed everyone how to see the supernova.

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In my location, I got maybe a 3/5 compromise of an apoceclipse. Meh.

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Well I just have to say that I did not enjoy the eclipse. I was promised demons and there were no demons. I was promised that those people would be raptured and it did not happen. DISAPPOINTED!!

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And all that is now

And all that is gone

And all that's to come

And everything under the sun is in tune

But the sun is eclipsed by the moon

I must have listened to Dark Side of the Moon 500 times in college and law school. At least 4-5 times a week in my junior and senior undergrad years (1995-96). I was certain all life’s answers were on that album, and 30 years later I’m not sure they aren’t. Brain Damage/Eclipse is such an operatic ending to a masterpiece of an album. Time, The Great Gig in the Sky, Us and Them - beautiful. Alan Parsons was a big contributor to that album. I only wish “Money” wasn’t included. I just never liked that song on that album.

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There is no dark side of the moon, really. As a matter of fact, it is ALL dark...

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had the pleasure of seeing them twice (that i can remember) & am leery of picking a ‘’best’’ … my favorite is definitely ‘’Meddle’’ … in a small movie theatre in Detroit (the Easttowne) they played ‘’echoes’’ & that haunts me still …

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Started the day by cranking up the second half of DSOTM up nice and loud from the live P.U.L.S.E. performance. Very fun and seemed appropriate. I view "Money" as one of several songs about things that drive people crazy. Interesting to see how well these albums hold up as we spin into a future I never could have imagined when they came out.

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Interesting that yesterday (not eclipse day) a woman had a clearly home made T-shirt.

In plain white capital block letters of a black shirt it said (line by line)...





...which reminded of the REAL title of THE album...

And by the way, listening to it when it first came out left me comfortably numb, to use a phrase. And I even have an original quad pressing.

Both ''Wish You Were Here'' and "Animals" are much better, showing that the myth of perfection often overwhelms the truth. Hell, even ''Ummagumma'' is better.

Nothing personal.

P.S.: many people DO agree with this.

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And many people don't agree with this. Clearly, there are many very fine people on both sides.

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they started their concert with it.

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Total eclipse of the streetlight.


A minute or so after totality, looking away from the sun.

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I’m just disappointed in the sun, being upstaged by the moon, a much smaller dead rock that man and Elon Musk can visit anytime they want. The sun is 400x larger and like, super hot. Just disappointed.

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you can only visit the sun at night …

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We had 100% of the sun covered here in Rochester..... covered by clouds, that is. Still neat seeing the sudden darkness...

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In Ithaca, we had clouds and nothing near totality, but we go about 4 slight views. Did get dark enough for some street lights to come on.

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Now I feel like I should cuddle.

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Smoke 'em if you've got 'em.

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I got to see it via some eclipse glasses the younger snarkling had when I picked her up at at snark academy.

One of the coolest things was the excited reaction of the random dude standing in front of the QuikTrip I lent the glasses to when getting gas on the way home. He was so excited to be able to see it!

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Totality in CLE - very cool, using binoculars which was a bitch lining up through glasses, eclipse glasses and binoc. Some flares on the NE and SE quadrants at the beginning of totality - NE flares went out midway, SE flare got bigger. At the end SE flare REALLY got big and a smaller flare appeared on the S pole. again - very cool.

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Got photos of neighborhood here in Oberlin, super cool and a little creepy!!


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This whole eclipse thing seems a little shady.

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The across the hall neighbor texted me that she was going onto the roof of our building, so instead in the parking lot, we had a completely unrestricted view.


ETA: It was more awesome than I expected it to be. Lots of cheering from around the neighborhood. All the pics I took at total darkness are on my proper camera so maybe we'll have some of them later.

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My oldest kid brought home glasses and we were able to see it. I brought the glasses over to a random worker at the house across our street TWICE. He was so excited.

It was a good day.

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