People spend their money at gas stations and supermarkets. Nobody goes to drug stores any more.

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OMG, shut the fuck up. Inflation is not the issue here. It's pure fucking corporate greed. And how do you stop that?

You apparently can't.

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Solyndra - Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. (You must be fucking kidding.)

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Oh, the Faux Noise fuckhaid is asking a stupid question that is more like an anti-Biden screed.

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Biden will get credit for what he's accomplished when you dipshits in the media report what he's accomplished.

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Which they WILL NOT DO, ever, because they're minions of the parasite overclass.

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It's so disheartening. :(

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Lots of people on the internet ready to tell us more about Maui than they know.

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Yes, Neera, but how much pain do you intend to inflict on innocent blameless people like Charles Koch and the Waltons?

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Oh, now we're in trouble. Neera!

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ZOMG it's Mr. Risotto!

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Domo arrebato, Mr. Risotto?

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These vapid excuses for "journalist" are making me ill.

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Is President Biden going to fly around the world really fast, turning it backwards, causing time to reverse, and prevent these fires from starting?

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"It is forbidden to interfere . . ."

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You're thinking of a really shitty scene from Superman. The only way to accomplish this is with Bruce Banner's hot tub time machine.

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Well, car payments for some of those cars that have been incinerated are probably not a concern.

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This is how you handle a disaster, you fucking selfish pigs.

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Unlike Katrina, Puerto Rico/VI, unraked-forest fires, etc.

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Needless to say, the hack FEMA administrator during Katrina (vile minion of the deserting coward) is criticizing the Biden FEMA based on...well, it's Joe Biden!

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Brownie? That you?

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Will you PLEASE, in the name of all that's holy, ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES?

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Heck of a job!

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a. Is "a" a valid bullet point?

o "o" is OK, but checkmarks are not

3. A suffusion of yellow.

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Deanne Criswell is now speaking, and relating her experiences while visiting Maui. The press corpse is unimpressed.

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"But what about Hunter Biden?"

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