Apr 15·edited Apr 15

I've been avoiding watching tee vee. How many idiots have referred to the "*kick* off of the Trump hush money trial"?

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Judge Merchan orders a 30-minute recess as team trump demands graham crackers and milk for their warrior.

"He naps better."

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After the lunch break, Judge Merchan said that a hearing will be held on

April 24 on whether Trump should be held in contempt for violating the

gag order. The prosecution then noted that the defense failed to abide

by the court's deadlines to present all the exhibits they intend to use

at trial. Trump's lawyer complained that he didn't have time. Judge

Merchan had no patience with that and told them they have a deadline of

24 hours to have the clerk mark then and anything submitted late will

not be allowed in trial. ~Ron Filipkowski

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Finding himself in the unusual position of not being able to stiff his legal team trump is demanding the moon. Admonishing them to "fight harder" in open court and they haven't even sat the jury yet.

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" In sign of defiance and protest, Trump falls asleep in court."- Media, most likely

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"I was going to vote against trump again, but now that he was convicted of a felony, I am considering voting for him."

- NYT editorial board, 'Imagination Team".

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Trump “I’m awake! I’m awake!! Sleepy Joe. Election interference!!”

NYT - A defiant Trump lambastes Biden in courtroom outburst

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Heard just now on MSNBC (paraphrase):

"But if they jail him, he'll just be more popular and he'll raise millions".

"OK, but let's just try it."

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Will the judge allow Trump to bring his CPAP machine to court?

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OT- any word on what the price of DJT stock will be today?

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Hmm.. well, there goes the first amendment protections on speech.

If you organize a protest, you risk debt and bankruptcy if any individual at the protest decides to get violent.

For some reason, I'm sure this will only apply to Black people and dirty hippies. MAGAts and neo-Nazis will almost certainly be exempt.

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Does NYC conduct random drug tests of criminal defendants? Asking for a friend.

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“The judge in Donald J. Trump’s criminal trial on Monday again refused to allow the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape to be played for jurors, but said that the comments Mr. Trump made on the tape could be introduced as evidence.”

I think that’s even better. It will sound way worse when the prosecutor gets to read it vs hearing Billy Bush soften it by going along.

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Maggie Haberman with breaking news from the trial: Trump has leaned over on his right buttock and scratched his left buttock through the pants of his suit.

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"Judge Merchan then warned Trump that although he has a right to be present for his trial, he will be removed from the courtroom if he disrupts the proceedings and put in jail. He also warns him that if he fails to appear for court a warrant will be issued for his arrest.

The prosecutors then asked that Trump be fined $1,000 for each of his posts that violate the gag order and that he be warned that if he does it again he will be put in jail. They noted that one of the posts happened while court was going on today which was a photo of Michael Cohen calling him a serial perjurer. They also cited the post praising Avenatti's interview with Ari Melber and posts about Stormy Daniels."

~Ron Filipkowski

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For the heck of it I worked out how much money Trump lost in stock value today. So far it's about $219,064,000. Unfortunately, he obtained his 78.8 million shares of stock for essentially nothing so any positive value is profit for him.

Today's 18% decline has less to do with the trial and more to do with him filing with the SEC to issue another 21.4 million shares of DJT stock. That's an enormous fuck you to those who already invested. Who could have predicted?


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