Ta, Evan. I was working and missed it.

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OT: So a big chunk of Texas is on fire some 60 miles from Amarillo (and it’s jumped the Oklahoma border). Abbott says: “The State of Texas stands ready to provide support to our local partners and deploy all resources needed to protect our fellow Texans and their property.”

The question is whether or not he’ll accept Federal help. If he does, betcha he’ll do everything he can to avoid talking about Biden, and he definitely won’t appear in any photo ops with him, or maybe he’ll threaten to have him arrested for something if he enters the state.

Which is a drag because I was looking forward to footage of Biden pushing Abbott’s wheelchair. Up a hill.

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By the way, in case anyone tracks these things, there’s apparently a nuclear waste site 30 miles from Amarillo.

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It's the Pantex plant where nuclear warheads are made.

Not seen on "How It's Made" channel

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Hey, what could go wrong?

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Nutz. I have a doctor's appointment later this afternoon that I'm dreading. At the moment not being able to sleep for the past week has caught up with me and waves of exhaustion are washing over me like warm waves. All I want to do is lay down and go to sleep, but what I have to do is haul my sorry ass downstairs in a few minutes and see if I can remain upright in the shower long enough to get clean.I'd wanted to put on a bit of war paint and see if I could do something creative with my hair, but at this point I'll be lucky if I can get my boots on the correct feet when the time comes.

So help me Sagan but I have GOT to get some freakin' sleep later today. I do not feel right at all.

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Have a drink, and a nice sleep after your app.!

They don't care what you look like, anyway.

(Ugh! It sucks. I had an app. this morning at 7:30am,)

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This breaks 💔 me... ;>(

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Maybe gabapentin for sleep and pain issues? That's what my doc prescribed this am. Not feeling right is a stone drag. Sugar items for energy in the short term?

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I'm already taking gabapentin at bedtime. A pretty big dose. It isn't quite doing the trick, unfortunately.

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Gummies put me right to sleep....

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Killer immigrants! Toss that red meat out there, bozo.

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deletedFeb 28
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Fucking asperagrass

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OMG that looks a little like my poor boo 😭. That is hilarious!

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Biden's team needs to copy Trump's in one way--just flat out openly insult the media, repeatedly, read them for filth on a regular basis, to the point that the audience sees just what disingenuous hacks they are. Play the refs, change the playing field, and take charge of the new media narrative.

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Just laugh at every question, then say "Are you serious?"

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Now comes the part where we throw our heads back and laugh! Ready?


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Or "because that last question was so stupid, I'll save us time by instead answering a question that you should have asked, had you been a better journalist."

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Yep, the myth of the Liberal Media still holds sway.

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Destroy that myth with constant confrontation, and the audience will factor in media bias when they consume the media. Republicans pulled this off, why can't Democrats? Do we think we owe something to these "journalists"?

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OT: Per Colorado Public Radio, the Boeberts continue to be the Palins of Lolorado:

"While officials have yet to release details, Colorado Bureau of Investigation records indicate Tyler Boebert was breaking into vehicles to steal credit cards and other identification documents, such as driver’s licenses and passports."

Tyler is son responsible for making Bobo a 36-year-old meemaw last year. Bobo's ex-husband got arrested last month for, inter alia, beating up on his son Tyler, allegedly for Tyler's taking poor care of his child.

It's easy as hell dunking on the Boeberts, Jeebus knows, but for me it's getting unsettling at least as to the young 'uns. Tyler Boebert may or may not be a complete piece of shit, but what chance did he really have with those asshole maniacs as parents?

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He could have rebelled by being a decent person

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Don't know how likely it might be, but it could still happen. Even decently-raised 18 year olds are pretty fucking stupid, and this one never got within hollering distance of decently-raised.

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He'd have to see that behavior in order to imitate it.

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Maybe emulate a teacher, coach, etc.

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Jaysum crimony. I was a neurology certified RN for years, spending my 12 hour shifts repeatedly assessing the cognitive orientation of anywhere from 2 seriously ill patients or upwards of 5 more stable patients. Recognizing any changes in the baseline status was my gawd damned JOB.

There is NOTHING cognitively amiss with President Joe Biden, FFS.

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Obviously you’re not paying attention. He goes to get ice cream. BY HIMSELF!!

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If you ignore Seth and the security detail, yeah.

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... when someone is obviously with him, HOLY FUCK!!!

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At worst, he's physically slowing, which clearly isn't that big of a deal since one of our best presidents was confined to a wheelchair for his entire presidency.

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deletedFeb 28
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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

I share your veritable awe-inspired perspective of the man.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

The Hill's and Forbes Breaking News' YouTube channels will shortly be uploading videos on how the WHPC "grilled" Karine Jean-Pierre and humiliated the Biden Administration.

I'm not going to check, because I got hives the last time I did.

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"Is the President doing enough to reunite families separated by the Trump administration's border policy?"

"Wait- really?"

"No, not really. My real question is 'Biden is older now than he was when elected, despite criticism. Does he think this reckless disregard of his critics will help him in the election, when, scientists claim, he may be even older?'"

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I don't know how Karine puts up with this crap.

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She needs to resurrect Chuck Barris' Gong!

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$180,000 per year to be a daycare worker.

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Except the cuteness factor is lacking

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She needs a squirt bottle

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Or trap doors.

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Shock collars. You wanna perform? You will be rated tzzzzzzzzzzzzzt!

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There's a reason she's the second person in that job, and Biden hasn't even finished a term.

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OT: Attagirl, Tish - right in his tiny 'nads!

𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗬𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽 𝗗𝗼𝗲𝘀𝗻’𝘁 𝗛𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗘𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗖𝗮𝘀𝗵 𝘁𝗼 𝗣𝗮𝘆 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝘂𝗱 𝗣𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘁𝘆


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As I’ve been saying for a while, I can imagine that any Russian mobsters holding his debts may collect on them the hard way.

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We can dream, can't we?

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Stinky keeps saying his "brand" is his most valuable asset. Maybe he should sell that instead of his real estate.

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I love this part:

"The total penalty increases by $112,000 in interest every day Trump does not pay it."


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Will Fredo and Earwig have to get REAL jobs?

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He could have saved $80+million just by shutting his anus mouth-hole about E Jean. But, NOOO.

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Exactly this

This is someone who has literally NEVER had to fret about consequences in his orange little life

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"In his filing, Trump says that he needs an emergency stay because he doesn’t have the cash and would have to sell some of his properties to raise it."


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My exact reaction. He should have thought of that before he committed fraud.

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The world's greatest real-estate salesman? Can't be an issue.

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this ^^^^^

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So when he testified in a deposition in this proceeding that he had $400 million in cash (or liquid equivalents), that was purjury?

Oh my!

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I know!

A fraudster! Lying to the court!

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When they take Trump Towers, they can charge 10 bucks a head to visit his garish crib. And 20 if you want a pic with a cardboard cut-out of PAB in it. Let the rubes see how he lived like an African despot while they struggled to make ends meet during his 'Presidency'.

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Turn it into migrant housing for asylum seekers.

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Because that Theran-Whorehouse-1986 chic is SO hawt...

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And I always thought it would be Alex Jones being the first one winding up pushing a busted shopping cart around on Skid Row...

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Isn't he dead?

Oh, no

That's Rush Limbaugh

How is Alex's little "I'm broke" plea working out?

Last I remember he owed something to the Sandy Hook victims in the tens of millions -- has his lawyer done the "Alex, some debts can't be discharged in bankruptcy" phone call yet from several states away?

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A billion.

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I love it

Take it all

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save 'em for the victims

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Coming up next--Mighty Tish seizes everything including Trump's Golf Courses and Mar-A-Lardo which will be remissioned as The Leticia James Shriners Hospital For Children

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Dibs on the Balmedie golf course. Scotland, here I come!

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Let Mighty Tish seize Bedminster and have a Bob's Big Boy built on it.

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Can we, like - sign up for pieces?

On E. Jean's post where she asked "What would you spend $83 million on" I said I figured she could get a nice price at the judicially-ordered sale for those Towers and we could turn them into the Carroll Towers for Counseling, Therapy, and Abuse Intervention for All, in homage to FWC


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Not only that -- Assmouth won't have enough cash to kite around to make *any* of his shabby-ass companies look profitable.

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womp womp

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He offered to post a $100 million bond, because "provisions of the verdict make it impossible for the former president to secure a bond for the full amount." Boo fucking hoo.

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$100 million in bondage ain't enough.

We Want It All!

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I think being a fraudster for his whole life is having a bit of an impact as well.

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The fact that he and his Team of Hubris are even trying for this shady "deal" like the Office of the New York State Attorney General is one of his contractors

Baby, this ain't that

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Just waiting for Trump to offer Tish a choice between Door #1, Door #2, Door #3 or Monty's Cookie Jar!

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That's gonna leave a Letitia-James-boot-sized mark.

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She can exchange dick-kicking tips with Ms Kaplan.

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Those Rubes need to dig a little deeper

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God wills it!

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Deux Volt!

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Tomorrow's 3AM Turmpscreed should be epic!

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deletedFeb 28
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cue the popcorn!

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Yes, we should have a continuing resolution to keep the government open. But not just until later in March -- until the goddamn Beater of the House deigns to keep a session open long enough to pass an actual budget. How's that?

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So, how long has this Biden fellow been old and how come I'm just hearing about it now? If the man can't juggle piranha fish while riding a unicycle, I may have to vote republican!


A life long Democrat, very serious too!

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Why doesn't President Biden take a cognitive test? Or jump through every goddamn hoop his opponents demand he jump through? Why doesn't he just resign in disgrace, at that point, and apologize for stealing the election and taking bribes to save Burisma and being the goddamn bogeyman?

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He keeps forgetting to do that

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If Joe and Bernie Sanders went on any late night show and played a game of chess (which they actually do) Republicans will allege the game was rigged.

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"Republicans will allege the game was rigged"

like they'd know

bunch of bigoted morons

they wouldn't know who Kasparov was if he came up and slapped them all in the face

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MSM - “Is it really true that Biden is so old he invented the first circle?”

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Come on MSM. Everyone knows that George Santos invented the circle.

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