Not knowing all the election law in Arizona I'll say the new election will be either in 2024 or 2026. Have to give the counties time to organize the whole complex election processes you know.
I was working in a library when the last one came out, and I could not belive how most of the adult librariand were acting like whiny children about it. They even got so verklempt about it there was an unofficial rule that no-one could read them untill the release date. So books sat on carts until the release day. Adn some of them were the ones that most wanted to read them!
Not caring one single bit about the book, I was tempted to read the end of the book just to tell some of the simps all about it. But I decided against in just in case the big boss did something to me if I blabbed,
Every election ever held should immediately be held again, and any future elections, including these reruns, are going to be rigged and must be held again. Only then can we all be sure democracy is working good.
Liz Harris should also refuse to being sworn in as a state rep. Leaving her seat vacant will own all the libs.
Not knowing all the election law in Arizona I'll say the new election will be either in 2024 or 2026. Have to give the counties time to organize the whole complex election processes you know.
lol - self own for the win - she is sure playing 4 D chess here!
Well, more proof that you can't spell crazy without - R AZ
This is the information I was looking for
I noticed that too… sigh…
I was working in a library when the last one came out, and I could not belive how most of the adult librariand were acting like whiny children about it. They even got so verklempt about it there was an unofficial rule that no-one could read them untill the release date. So books sat on carts until the release day. Adn some of them were the ones that most wanted to read them!
Not caring one single bit about the book, I was tempted to read the end of the book just to tell some of the simps all about it. But I decided against in just in case the big boss did something to me if I blabbed,
The main question is, will she hold her breath until she turns blue?
And those green beans will rot on the plate before she'll ever eat them. Film at 11.
And if she were to jump back up her momma, I would weep bitter liberal tears. Me and Br'er Rabbit.
The Pillowettes.
Mike Lindell and the Smotherers would also rawk
I hear ya Kermy but I'd have went with shite, It just seems funnier to me
Every election ever held should immediately be held again, and any future elections, including these reruns, are going to be rigged and must be held again. Only then can we all be sure democracy is working good.