Not so great Scott

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Like Ben Shapiro with Hitler, Tim Scott believes that he’s one of the “good ones” that Jefferson Davis and co. would have absolutely adored and elevated to a place of honor in the Confederacy.

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It’s so strange how Tim Scott’s view of the GOP seems to stop right around 1964.

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It is with great joy that I'm about to click on the words scream on his ass like his dad.

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I wonder if he'll last til mother's day

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He’s just doing his job. “See, republicans aren’t racist! They’ve got a black guy!”

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What does Mike Pence’s wife have to do with this?

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Lady McPence

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My take, too.

"Look, Tim, you know we need you up there, and your loyalty will be rewarded. We know you will have to eventually graciously step aside in what will probably be a humilating way, but just keep grinning. Just stay in your lane, don't say anything that isn't flattering to the boss. Or "YOU'RE FIRED!" Haha, that's a joke, right? But seriously you will be."

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He'll last until they tell him they don't need him for the optics anymore.

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They like to have some they can put in charge of the other coloreds.

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Messi Hasan did a great deep dive of Tom Scott. Check it out. Most cynical thing he’s done (or second most, now) was becoming a Republican because he didn’t want to wait to ascend through the ranks of the Democratic Party in South Carolina. Grifter with a capital G.

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He won't outlast a lettuce.

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Easy calculation for Scott. Being so far behind in the pack and also being an obsequious suck-up, Trump will ignore him, so Scott raises his profile for free.

However, this is good for us, too. Scott's pretty despised. His presence in the primary and on the debate stage will probably boost Democratic black turnout in the general.

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Another reminder that the majority of republican voters make terrible decisions. I understand cults, and after listening to koresh and Jones speak I can at least see how someone would be taken in by them (it's a stretch, but I can at least see it) but either of the 2 front runners- not in a million years will I be able to understand the appeal

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