I thought the article about the Missouri douche proved that they are ALREADY trying to mash issues together. You know for more efficient hating.

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Imagine carrying around the vision of yourself as an outhouse. I don't think you are qualified to comment unless it's written on a page from the Sears Roebuck Catalogue.

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Logic dictates that there is an upside to remaining Mrs. David Vitter, o she wouldn't continue to do so, but I can't see it.

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Donald Trump is now advocating for a federal database of all American Muslims with some form of ID that specifies their religion.

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This "missing Syrian refugee" thing has been making the bigot rounds for a while now, along with the inevitable followup "missing Syrian refugee found... in DC! he could only be there to terrorist!" story.

...and I don't get it. Refugees aren't prisoners. They get dropped off in one place by the resettlement agency, but they're free to leave there literally the instant they arrive. Unless the guy's family reported him as a missing person, how can you possibly have a "missing" refugee?

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maybe a nice yellow crescent...

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You can imagine the scene at home if Catholic Charities decided that the hassle from the political stunt was too great to justify keeping Wendy Vitter as their counsel.

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That was Vitter's kill shot. He hit himself in both feet, twice.

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She's Catholic and takes her vows seriously?

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So martyrdom?

It's a little hard to take martyrdom seriously when, instead of arrows or fire, it involves staying married to the likes of David Vitter.

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I'm sorry, but I just can't look at this guy without thinking of him dressing up in diapers.

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Vitter ,such a man of morality ,and integrity ! Did you all know that he" loooooves Murica?" He teaches how to pick up prostitutes ,to the Laurence Welk crowd at Tea Party meetings.

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I used to dog-sit the ex-wife's dog that she got AFTER she left me. The dog was awesome, and I know it still loves meeee... *single tear*

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I will not post the not at all hilarious fat jokes I came up with. Not taking the bait!

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Seriously, is that a thing?

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The day after Paris I stopped looking at Facebook. I need to pretend that somewhere, deep down, my mom is a good person. And that possibly, my nephew isn't growing up to be a complete fucking moron. And I can't do that on Facebook.

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