Sounds legit.

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He might meet his end at Little BigHands.

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John Lassiter? That better not be the Pixar guy, or they'll be hell to pay.

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It's the reason all priests hope to grow up and become Pope someday.

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And Disneyland likes the gheys.

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He was the point man for removing the rights of people-of-no-money to sue for discrimination on the state level. That was the core of HB2, and likely a HUUGE selling point for this future Admin. People are telling me this. Good people.

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I can pick out stuff for other people really well. I just cannot do it for myself. I don't know why. Probably self-esteem issues. I need What Not to Wear!

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McCrory looks like a junks niffer.

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The problem isn't the junk…

It's the junk sauce.https://media0.giphy.com/me...

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Sounds Russian enough for the new administration though.

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Whoa, there, cowboy, who the hell is going to set new fashion trends if ya'll leave?!

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Nooo - Ivanka Trump knockoffs.

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Definitely photoshopped! I mean, look at those legs - mah main man Louie Gohmert doesn't work out or nothing.

But that tie - so Preznitial!1!!!!

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Hey, if Trump can hire fired Army General Flynn and interview losers Allen West and Mittens among others, why the hell not dig deep in the well past the Sarah Palins of the world and interview McCrory?

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Yeah , Department of the Interior

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