It's a pinned article because Wonkette is getting sued by the rich guy because they accidentally called him a felon when he only got a misdemeanor for getting all those miners killed because he wanted to save money. They might need some bux if you got some laying around.

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Baconz will blow up for Spinal Tap.

Get me a drum set STAT!

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Did Baconzgood miss a wierdo that got banned? (Snap my fingers). SHUCKS. I missed an opportunity...

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Hiya, handsome!

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"Listen up, motherfuckers..."


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Neither would any other civically cognizant American.

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I have to lock up for the night. Wishing everyone weird and enlightening dreamscapes and escapes.

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Watching the BBC News - metal traders are banned from workday drinking. What is the world coming to?

I wish American news was half as good. This half hour is dedicated to a huge country's news. It's all African stuff.

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They would have been just fine just calling him a raging hemmoroid on the buttocks of America.

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Yes. Always follow the style guide. It's there to protect you.

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Just send money! I have... three times! Great journalism costs money and needs support. If you love this place, kick in a few dollars.

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Right there you have left out 99 and 99/100ths of republicans.

That is the problem. That and THEY DO NOT CARE!

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I think I know why youtube is giving us shitty little frames with no volume control. They want you to go to their site for the ad revenue.

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"The ends justify the means". When Cheeto talks about his greatest poll numbers, in part he is right when one looks at his 99.98999% rethug approval, which is scary shit as he has a large base locked in. 50% of Germans didn't vote for Hitler, and that worked out well.

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I promise I will give wonket some moneys after I get new eyeglasses. Or maybe just buy some swag.

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