I am a Detroit-ish person, but being disabled and not having easy access to even Detroit kinda sucks.

All in spirit and things.

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OT Matt Gaetz just introduced a bill that would forbid school officials from interfering in satanic prayers in class.

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I'm guessing that was an unintended consequence of his bill, and not the primary reason for it.

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(yes but let's not let it ruin a beautiful self-own)

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"12 hours out of Mackinaw City, stopped in a bar to have a brew. Met a girl and we had a few drinks and I told what I decided it do..."

Couldn't help myself. Roll Me Away is my all-time favorite Seger song.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Wish you could do a Wonkette party in Manchester, UK

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Seize the means of Wonkette Party production! It worked in Cleveland, Ohio!

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we prolly have enough wonkers in the DC area to seize the means of production, but I'm horrible at planning stuff(and kinda lazy)

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I wish I could be there! I’m back at the dentist today, this time to get a tooth pulled. 🙁 I hope you guys have fun!

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Ouch!!!!ouch!!!!OUCH!!!! Been there, know I need to work up the courage to do it again. Hope it went ok, you got awesome painkillers, and you recover quickly!!!

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Have fun in Mackinac City, you northern wonkers!

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Here in southeast LA. we haven't had any real rain in over two months. We're over twenty inches of rainfall short. Plus it's 8,000 degrees outside. I miss the petrichore!

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by ziggywiggy

I wish I was freezing my ass off in Lake Michigan. Instead, I am slathering my exposed body parts in SPF60 and preparing to go inspect a 800 gallon reactor of methyl ethyl death at a local plastics manufacturing plant at 1 PM. Pisses me off that I couldn't do it at 7 AM but life sucks sometimes. On a happier note my mortgage lender keeps sending me voice mails saying I have no home insurance. So I called my nice insurance lady (who is also very sexy) and she informed me it was paid last month. Fucking mortgage bankers.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf, ziggywiggy

Another Atlanta event might be fun during the hopefully upcoming Trumptrial.

Trumptrial is now officially one word.

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I like how you also made your handle into oneword.

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I'm wondering if thenumber of PABophiles protesting the trials will reach double digits, and I don't mean 10 in binary.

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We could do that, and it's not a big trip for folks in central and north Florida.

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I can try to get something done. I need a trial date is set.

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ALL of the Trumptrials. There's lots to look forward to!

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deletedAug 11, 2023Liked by ziggywiggy
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Yay. We are now a bloc.

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023Author

Wonkmeets are FUN! If you can do it I totally recommend it. Even if you are socially anxious, even if you are a Lurker, you will have a wonderful time and find close friends. I consider the Wonkers I've met in person to genuinely be good friends and can't wait to see them again. ETA I will be at The Berkshires Labor Day campout, would love to meet ya!

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Quick OT:

Just as a reminder than Rob Desantis had come off a double digit schellacking of his competition just 9 months ago in one of America’s 5 largest states, with virtually the entire Republican financial establishment backing him, and for a brief period the lead for the nomination

He’s now behind a man who’s never run for elected office


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How long before he goes full racist? Do Americans know the W racial slur?

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Do they begin at Calais?

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W, not sure I know that one. Wanker? Wuss? Wabbit? Wisconsinite?

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In the UK it refers to darker skinned people, usually from India and the countries around it that didn't exist until we partitioned everything and caused a few genocides.

In Australia, it means someone from the Balkans. I didn't know this when I stayed up til 2am once as a teenager to watch what I imagined would be a serious, hard hitting look at racism in Australia and instead saw the light comedy Wogboy.

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One of my German acquaintances said a joke in Prussia is that the Balkans begin at Munich.

Didn't they also use another 3 letter word beginning with W to denote the peoples with a root in the boot?

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Only because I heard Eric Clapton use it do I know it.

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DeSantis is going to use it because his advisors will tell him his target voting bloc likes Clapton.

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I didn't know that East Indians comprised a significant demographic except at medical centers and convenience stores

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

I hope y'all find a few petoskey stones while you're out beaching it up!!

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I had to buy one; those are cool. I wished I coulda found a Yooper stone

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Here's a live view of Trump's protective order hearing:


For the Twitterless:

Marge: You have the right to remain silent.

Trump: I choose to waive that right.Blahhh!!! Wuahhhhhhh!!! Wuahhhhhh!!!

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Ron "Tater Salad" White:

"I had the right to remain silent...but I didn't have the ability."

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Was just looking at Google News. It's certainly a comment on the times when there's a fact checking section. Even more so when the fact being checked reads "Were 2023 Maui Fires Caused by a 'Direct Energy Weapon'?" Seriously screwy world we live in.

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Jewish space lasers?

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The stupid. It burns Maui.

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Of course not! (((We))) like Hawaii!

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Chawaii is also an accepted transliteration, as I understand it.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf, Doktor Zoom, ziggywiggy

I trust that Tallulah is the Smart Hulk!

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Of course she is!

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This is a test repost.

Current status of the Antarctic sea ice.

This. Is. Not. Good!


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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

To be fair, we've only know that we're completed fucked for two or three decades. There really wasn't anything we could have done.

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