That's called "religion".

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Life begins when the woman breaks free from the control of creepy old men and is able to exercise agency over her own body.

There's another life involved here, and it's the one that the anti-choicers work hard to exclude from the debate.

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The guy in the row in front of me at the theater?

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He's a US Senator, which means that he commands some bit of attention just because of his office. It doesn't mean that we have to regard what he says as valid or meaningful or that we have to buy it or even listen to it.

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Big Climate >> Big Koch

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Amen. We might as well ask when does <i>intelligence</i> form? Certainly not when a single synapse starts to fire. Hell, some people with a head full of synapses are still waiting....

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So when I make a mess inside my tube sock, I'm playing God?

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Although Climate Deniers are doing their best to abort it all.

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I actually don't recall Rubio ever being "smart."

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In keeping with sacred tradition, every sperm is named Otis.

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"or will have done."

Anybody doubt that there's a team of 20 or 30 hired teatards working on making this <strike>true</strike> truthy by the tine the GOPpers stage their 2016 clown car extravaganza?

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Does each new batch have names that start with one letter of the alphabet, like pure bred German Shepards and Duggars?

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Macrocosm, microorgansim: same thing.

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Also, too grand

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<i>Liberals are enormous hypocrites for claiming the science of climate change is settled while simultaneously denying that science has also settled that life begins at conception, because that undermines the case for abortion</i>

Hmmm. It looks like English, but different.

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