Just feces. Nothing sexual happens in movies based on SNL sketches.

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She won't care that much, she's just in it for the national exposure and international experience she can put on her resume when she runs for President. She is already more popular than him.

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We'll take likely Democratic voter roll purges for $100, Alex.

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Based on the issues she actually bothers to speak about, but her father never supports, we have to conclude that she either 1) has no influence or 2) is faking interest.

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"All I wanted was a coat made out of puppies!"

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Not with the older ones, but the young like Rubio? Those pups can still learn new tricks.

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I do like the Chick-Fil-A chicken biscuits!!!!!

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Sorry for your loss.

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Oh, please. Her "one job" is to drive up her brand quotient and garner even more money and power.

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Unless this means he also will fight against discrimination against us here in regards to employment, housing, businesses etc. and will stop attempts to roll back marriage equality etc., these words mean nothing.The we won't murder you but will treat you as a second class citizen doesn't make me feel better in the least.

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I cannot be as generous. Yes, bravo for calling attention to tragedy. But then, Young Marco always does the right thing when "the right thing" is just words.

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Unfortunately this is not a new reality for those living under the brutal tyranny of the Chechen leader, who by the way happens to be a loyal ally of Vladimir Putin.

Say, you know who else is a loyal ally of Vladimir Putin?

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Rest in purrs, Jerome. Kinda reminds me of my Nog here. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Well if she gets too popular and uppity, who knows.

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Are you people in an abusive relationship with those who would deny the LGBT community their rights? I'm sorry but I don't celebrate an abuser because they didn't hit me today. This isn't really impressive the is human decency. He's finally being decent. I cannot applaud him for finally doing what he should have been doing all along. I cannot applaud him when he still remains vehemently opposed to LGBT rights in the US. I cannot applaud him when his rhetoric and the rhetoric of his party has forced me to severe relationships with my friends and family. I cannot applaud him when he advocates for the very principles that ultimately lead to the beliefs that gay men are vile, gay men deserve death, gay men are a plague. This isn't "Really Fucking Impressive" this is really fucking sad that it takes this man until 2017 to finally stand up for what. @EvanHurst you should re-evaluate the praise you give to those who belittle minorities and start calling it what it actually is... too goddamn fucking late. This man has consistently been on the wrong side of LGBT rights and therefore human rights. He's consistently valued the rights of some over the rights of all. He's consistently advocated for agencies, organizations, and religious entities that continue to preach the kind of hate that the Chechen leader prescribes to and is using as justification for this atrocity. No @evanHurst this isn't "really fucking impressive" this is saving your ass. This man is trying to roll back the causation his rhetoric inspires and garner attention in the press and you walked right into the trap. How daft are you?

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This has to be fake news! I mean...where's all the talk of conversion therapy?

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