They should assign MTG to some unused area of Congress and give her a box of crayons and some paper and tell her to work really hard on all the bills that need passing to save America. Give her a mini fridge with her Slim Jims and juice boxes and tell her to keep working until America comes to get her.

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It’s like a wingnut Christmas list. Except Christmas was banned. I meant holiday list.

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Requires all Members of Congress who vote against this Act to conscript in the Russian Military.

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Her constituents must be so proud...

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She wins the district by 25+-point margins. She's clearly what passes in her district as an alpha.

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"Requires all Members of Congress who vote in favor of this Act to conscript in the Ukrainian Military."

Maybe MTG should join the Russian Army, since she is such an enthusiastic Putin supporter. No training, inadequate equipment, and all the vodka she can drink!

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How is this insurrectionist and her fellow treason weasels not incarcerated in the deepest hole by now??? The arc of the moral universe is too damn long! Start bending towards justice already!

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Because Merrick Garland issued a ruling of “Boys will be boys.”

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Reminds me of ManBearPig—I'M SUPER SERIOUS!

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I'm sorry but being this willfully fucking stupid should trigger the death penalty.

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"Requires all Members of Congress who vote in favor of this Act to conscript in the Ukrainian Military."

Were I someone just there for lols and not taking the job of managing the laws of the entire country seriously, I'd counter with an amendment that anyone who voted against it or voted "present" was required to kneel before Putin and suck his dick. Then laugh whenever anyone got all het up about using a naughty word.

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Could we have an amendment that MTG is not permit to submit amendments to foreign aid bills.

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Find that laptop, then find the lap it topped!

It’s CPU is bursting with pics of unclad tots

It masterminds an army of foaming left wing ‘bots

It know Ukrainian tunnels and the nerve tonic labs

And it never would have made it if it wasn’t for his Dad!

Hunter Biden’s laptop is the sum of all our fears

It’s the source

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Of all our pain

It spammed Hammurabi and it trolled Charlemagne

It’s really just a Dalek with plans for us all

It sleeps with Jimmy Hoffa

And the Walrus was Paul.

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Good. Fucking. God. These are not serious people.

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You start to wonder whether they are people at all.

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Why would we need to fund The Wall? Obviously Messico paid for it years ago.

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I wonder if Jello Biafra is thinking, “MTG GET OFF THE AIR … NOW!”

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"Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill the boor..."

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Ta, Evan. Marj is fortunate she has an autonomic nervous system. I wish she didn't. I wish dumb were fatal.

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Dumb should at least hurt.

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It does. Unfortunately it's only those around the affected that feel it. (much like death and loss)

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If you’re wondering why so many republicans are retiring this year it’s because even they are sick of her attention seeking antics. She has almost single handedly turn the House into a toxic work environment.

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Well. They agree with her on 90-95% of things. It’s just her Hee Haw antics that shine a space laser light on their anti-American, anti-democratic plutocratic ass licking. The puckered part.

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And clearly they’re powerless to tell her to pound sand. This is what I don’t understand.

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