Too mild. The point is to tag them with looniness.

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You would be correct.

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the rules say she can lie (cos freedom of expression) but not that she can call someone a liar

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discipline is a thing full stop - and going to the gym once a day doesn't make her disciplined

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her stupidity is a badge of honour as far as she's concerned

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It’s the creative snark + profanities.

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shouldn't he be looking at the target?

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rethugs in disarray!

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What she couldn't stand, was that it was a BL:ACK man who chastised her.

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air horn

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didn't she go to the gym because she owned it?

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Yeah, that seems to be true almost in every instance of this aggressive attacking of Democrats.

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I will say this every single time there’s a story about these chucklefucks embarrassing themselves during their Very Important Committee Investigations- an opinion writer for WaPo who I admire very much called this back in January when House Republicans started to announce the committees they were forming to Investigate Very Important Crimes: stand back and watch every step they take land squarely on their dicks.

Of course, she didn’t use the word “dick,” what with WaPo being a family newspaper and whatnot, but AOC and Dok nailed it, too. These people somehow don’t seem to realize that they’re not twitting out to their fellow twits, nor answering questions from Fucker Carlson with bold-faced lies while Carlson nods along with that dumb look on his face, nor bantering with Bannon and lobbing the lies back and forth.

They’re facing some very intelligent and well-informed Democrat “colleagues” (jeez, it hurt to type that… as if they are in any way on the same level as the Dems) who will not let them get away with it.

Are they really too stupid to understand that, if they ever want to win on the national level, they’re gonna have to take it down several notches? It’s early, but rats are already jumping ship. Ann coulter is saying maybe only registered Republicans should be denied abortions, and some big R donors are saying they’ve changed their minds about backing DeSantis because of his extreme positions on abortion (and this was before he signed the six-week ban) and LBTGQ+ issues.

Or- maybe they really DO hate themselves that much…

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Empty Gangrene is just a useless loudmouth at the end of the bar.

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Hey, now. No body shaming. We can go with regular, uh, shaming shaming. Like, you did something idiotically bad, Marj. Bad. And you continue to sh*t all over the place. Stop it. *whacks with rolled up newspaper"

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