A person could be forgiven for wanting to misspell "annals" when a dick pic is being entered into it. Just saying, I don't know how the Wonks resisted...but clearly they are made of quality stuff, such restraint! Which rhymes with taint so...

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Thank god Wonkette watches this stuff, so I don't find myself tempted to do so. The very thought of MTG is gross.

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"Marjorie Taylor Greene Enters Hunter Biden’s Cock....."


That just sounds gross regardless of what is said after it.

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Oscar Wilde said that he "stood in symbolic relation" to his own era. In an almost diabolical way, that seems true of MTG and Trump, too: every time I hear the offal that comes out of their mouths, I find myself thinking that they embody some of the worst qualities of our present time. It's a saucy age, to be sure. I'm sure that accounts for their political "success" (if you want to call it that).

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Well, at least she didn't subpoena him to show the actual evidence of the photos. Y'know that pictures can be photoshopped.

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Here's a rhetorical question:

She can't REALLY be this stupid, can she???

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Cool! How can I get my junk entered into the congressional record, too?

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It's just as good as Hunter's! Stormy said so!

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Hunter Biden holds no elected office nor any appointed position in the Federal government. So why the fuck is Congress wasting time and taxpayer money investigating him. If someone suspects he has committed a crime shouldn't that be handled by the police and the DA in the appropriate jurisdiction?

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It’s performative assholery. All you need to know. McCarthy has no control over these people and their publicity stunts..

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Yup. That phrase pretty much sums up Republican "policy."

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That settles it! I'm not ever voting for Hunter Biden again

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These effing people want to burn books, then they show p*rn at congressional hearings.

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Has Hunter no recourse?

This kind of political grandstanding and deliberate humiliation has to contravene some statute....otherwise it's time for turnabout on Madge to be fair play.

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Please no!! Seeing her face is punishment enough

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She's trying to look 'intelligent' by wearing glasses. It's like gilding a turd or putting lipstick on a pig.

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Part of the problem is that these people find it effective and profitable to shame anyone else for doing what they themselves do. The shaming capacity needs to be eliminated. Everyone should post amateur porn on the internet--can't be blackmailed if everyone did it and everyone knows. And all elected officials should be required to put their self-made porn (involving at least one threesome and at least one same-sex interaction) on their official websites. Assholes.

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Can this really have been their strategy? To whine about government interference, but bet that no one would bother to notice who was in power when the interference occurred?

Am I missing something?

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Can I just say that I am uncomfortable seeing a male organ so close to MTG's face?

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She's not

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Dumbus Cuntus strikes again. Her and Lauren Boebert have started a new club.

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Dumbas Cuntus? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that was Intercontinentcia Buttocks.......she was showing pics of Biggus Dickus after all....

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Is anyone else not as surprised as me that Empty G turns out to be the biggest dick joke out there?

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She's just Empty now - the G ran away.

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