If you were on Twitter yesterday afternoon, you likely had forced upon you tweets from whinyass fascist Republicans complaining that only Fox News was showing Kentucky Fried Dumbfuck James Comer’s latest whistleblower hearing about Hunter Biden. These whistleblowers were so credible! At least Glenn Greenwald thought so. They seemed pretty stupid to us. And James Comer is pretty stupid.
Oh well, maybe next time they’ll bring the smoking gun!
Marjorie Taylor Greene brought cock shots to a whistleblower hearing. Hunter Biden cock shots, of course. The non-consensual Hunter Biden cock shots Republicans sincerely believe would have changed the outcome of the 2020 election, had Twitter not so brazenly deleted them.
Just a buncha cock.
Screengrab below, not of the actual cock, but still hide your kids if they’re not allowed to watch C-SPAN or can’t handle the truth.
Greene, because she is a goddamned fucking genius, complained that this was evidence of Hunter Biden “making pornography” on a “foreign-based amateur online pornography platform.” Greene, as we have seen previously, is apparently hilariously ignorant of the fact that literally gabillions of people use PornHub, and it is not illegal.
Democratic Rep. Robert Garcia tweeted, “Marjorie Taylor Greene is literally showing dick pics at our Oversight Hearing.” He continued making fun of her when it was his turn. Fox News had to blur it out. The reaction in the room was interesting.
It wasn’t the first time she had shown Hunter Biden sex pixxx to the whistleblowers in that particular five-minute period. She showed some other ones first. But those didn’t have Hunter Biden’s cock in them. As all patriotic Americans know, it’s not true oversight or whistleblowing unless there’s Hunter Biden’s cock to oversee and whistleblow. Clearly this is why her constituents sent her to Congress. To expose Hunter Biden’s true cock.
Speak softly and carry a big cock.
The only cock we have to fear is cock itself.
Cock me once, shame on — shame on you. Cock me — you can’t get cocked again.
Ooh, there was one other cool part. It was when Greene said the words, with her mouth, “I would also like to say that when evidence and proof of a crime is presented, no prosecution should be denied no matter who the person is.”
YES YES YES, one million times YES. Thank you, Rep. CrossFit McDumpfuck, thank you for all these free ads you are always making for Democrats!
As far as whatever else happened in the hearing, and whatever imaginary malfeasance these fake whistleblowers think they were exposing about Hunter Biden, we don’t give a flying fuck, and the American people don’t either.
But here’s Democratic Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi making the whistleblowers look like fucking fools by pointing out that pretty much every complaint they have about political meddling in Hunter Biden investigations happened when, ahem, Donald Trump was president. (Jamie Raskin beat the shit out of them too, if you’re interested.)
But obviously the most important part, the part Americans will decades hence be telling each other their stories of where they were when it happened, was Hunter Biden’s cock, which Marjorie Taylor Greene entered into the annals of the congressional record.
The annals.
Of the congressional record.
OK, well, we guess that’ll be the end of this post.
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A person could be forgiven for wanting to misspell "annals" when a dick pic is being entered into it. Just saying, I don't know how the Wonks resisted...but clearly they are made of quality stuff, such restraint! Which rhymes with taint so...
Thank god Wonkette watches this stuff, so I don't find myself tempted to do so. The very thought of MTG is gross.