“You're the greatest fool I've ever known, Kane. If it was anybody else, I'd say what's going to happen to you would be a lesson to you. Only you're going to need more than one lesson. And you're going to get more than one lesson.”

Citizen Kane (1941)

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Thomas Massie (the one who shares Rand Paul's toupée stretched over his misshapen head)


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Every time she says something, she humiliates herself, her state, her country, and the entire human species.

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MAGA isn’t cable of feeling humiliation. They thrive off of it, you can’t shame or embarrass them. They must be voted out one by one.

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Trump didn’t write that tweet. Not that it matters, but Trump doesn’t write “likewise,” or capitalize Motion to Vacate correctly. And there are far too few entire words in all-caps and almost no self-pity. A staffer at Truth wrote that for Papa T.

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“Uniparty” isn’t the dig MTG thinks it is. After Trump spent 4 years ordering half the country to hate the other half, unity is probably the uncomfortable and unlikely antidote to Trumpism. Congress passing more bipartisan legislation that helps people and solves problems will go some distance toward repairing Congress’ embarrassing reputation.

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god these people are exhausting.

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Major Failure Green

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Marginal Traitor Queen

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Democrats may want to consider letting Johnson be replaced...


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One problem is whoever the GOP puts up would likely be worse.

Johnson only gets to keep his plum seat because the Democratic caucus bailed him out.

The reason Greene went after Johnson is because Johnson dared compromise on Taiwan, Israel, and Ukraine. If he tries crossing up the Democrats, they'll hand out boxes of shivs to the Republicans and sit back with popcorn. See the continuing resolution for the FAA budget just passed. The GOP is already pissed about that.

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Terrifying stuff. And precisely why Pelosi should have refused to seat the sedition caucus

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Ta, Evan. I'm not from the south, and I do not bless their hearts or any other part of their anatomies.

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Non magical believer but I wouldn't mind her being blessed with faith like Job(and all the rest that the loving God bestowed upon him)

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This sounds like the House of Parliment, where they Booooooo all the time. All the damn time. I lived in the UK 30 years ago and listened to it on the BBC4 for the sheer hilarity of it. My chief memory is thinking “this is no way to tun a government” and “our House sucks, but at least has decorum.” LOL

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Moist nymphets passing out cutlery sounds like a better and better way to run the government all the time.

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Next time, the shiv.

Et tu, Hakeem? Hell yes!

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Extra butter please.

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She's got spunk. I hate spunk.

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nah. she's just a petty asshole with poorly colored hair and terrible fashion choices who thinks she's important.

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Just riffing on tfg's take on her.

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It's all in her hair.

There's something about Margie...

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"Uniparty" used to have some relevance but that's not what we said, we said Republicrats and Demublicans. That was before the Nixonian Great Sorting when the South was D on paper although always revanchist in spirit. Doesn't apply these days but you can be sure that if the Rs were overcome by a wave of sanity or Replaced, the Solid Center would reform and us Progressive Socialists would be sniping at it from the outer darkness. It's just that these days we're trying to keep the ship afloat, never mind where it's going.

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May 9·edited May 9

knowing it was going to be a one-time deal and wasting it here shows just how smart and strategic Greene is. very politically astute.


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