And those are her good points.

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Why is it always you telling us what we can say and what we can't?

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She ignant and shit. ---Screamin' Jay Hawkins---

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Unless it's a mint condition Sunbeam T-9, I'll pass.

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Some people pick up regional accents really fast without realizing it. I always have. Lose them when I go somewhere else.

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It's time for Bill Maher to retire and stfu. Maybe he was funny once but that was a long time ago.

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What a wonderful film. I wonder if it transferred to Billy Bob when they both were in Sling Blade.

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It's called Standard Midwestern. Think of Johnny Carson. You can't go far in broadcasting without mastering it.

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Check out the accent in NOLA's 4th ward. It comes from Brooklyn. Dr. John was a great example.

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I'm convinced that his character was actually based on bare knuckle world champion Yankee Sullivan, who lived a few decades earlier. Yankee (real name James Ambrose) was English. He tied his wife to her bed and burned her to death for which he was transported to Australia. He escaped and came to NYC and worked as an enforcer for Tammany Hall. The whole thing in the film about moving the boxing match up the river is a reference to his rigged fight with my GGG Grandfather Thomas Secord (who died a few years later from kidney punch damage). Yankee went West and ended up being arrested by the San Francisco Vigilance Committee and was sentenced to be hanged out of the 3rd floor window of their HQ on Broadway (which was their custom) but slashed his wrists with a dull butter knife the night before. He's buried at the Mission even though he was a suicide. I've been trying for years to have him disinterred.

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My father used to beat my brother whenever he used his left hand. He ended up ambidextrous but with a bad case of dyslexia. On the other hand, he could write a sentence in cursive starting with both ends and meeting in the middle.

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The fact that Cruise actually learned to fly jets between the two films is probably important. There's video of him doing acrobatics with James Corden in a T-38, which is one kickass aircraft (the 2 place version of the F-5 fighter.)

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Hey. I'm a pothead boomer and I despise Maher for his dumbass shit.

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It pays his bills.

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Beans are OK in chili which is a sort of tomato stew for Texans and convalescents but have no place in CHILE, the real thing from one state farther west.

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No one ever did that expression better.

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