I can’t wait until Jack Smith goes after Marjorie Taylor Greene for her part in 1/6. I hope he says, “Who’s the bitch now, Crossfitt?”

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I just LOVE that the Biden campaign made an ad out of this!

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where the fuck is the open thread?

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There was a time when one member of Congress calling another one a little bitch would have been frowned on.

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My Mama would say she needs to pray... My Daddy would say she needs to shut her fool mouth... I say let her talk. If she wins again, we know it's really time to execute the "plan".

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Don't threaten me with a good time.

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Here's hoping that "weak little bitch" remembers certain tour groups being led around the Capitol building on January 5th, 2021.

maybe he will have a stocking stuffer for you, Marge.

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I love that shirt, especially because i'm so sick of right wingers claiming they're "we the people."

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A "weak little bitch" who went after War Criminals

Sure, Jan

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Anyone else catch the sneer in her voice when she said "urban problems"?

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Clearly an unspoken n-word can be heard just add if it was said.

Not sure if she did dramatic finger quotes, or that usual smugfuck look that seals the deal.

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The article's title is peak Evan. Love it.

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By "peacemaker", of course, she means gun.

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“Then I went and bought myself a Colt 45

Called a ‘Peacemaker’ but I never knew why.

I never knew why.”

-S. Earle

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"Never knew why

Didn't understand

Mama said the pistol

Was the Devil's Right Hand"

Sorry. just love that song.

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It's a fantastic song!

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Yes but apart from Medicare, Social Security, Head Start, Crop Insurance, and the School Lunch program, what have the Democrats ever done for us?

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They built those airports during the Revolutionary War.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023

Infrastructure week? (The roads)

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The aqueduct?

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Think that was Army Engineer Corps.

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Who supplied the money?

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Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Roosevelt.

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The reservoir near my house actually was built by the New Deal!

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Public safety? You know what the streets were like before, Reg.

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It's like that Monty Python bit from The Life of Brian. "All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?"

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Continuing with the squabbling between the various factions, each of which is the One True Opposition.

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It would be one thing if she came from wealth where sneering at social programs comes naturally. But that troll is five paces from a trailer park, where I'm sure her kin have been on the Federal dole for all their miserable lives cuz the plant closed and their jobs went to Djibouti

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She inherited a profitable construction company from her father. She comes from maybe new money. Nouveau reich.

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You misspelled "rich"...

...oh, wait, I get it

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Nouveau wretch?

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Obviously she hired a speech writer from Bizarro World, who wrote the opposite of everything she told him, like "write Biden has done terrible things to our country". That's what happens when you are not paying attention because you spent the day searching Google for plastic surgeons.

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Can't wait until one of her staff discovers ChatGPT.

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What if one of her staffers has had it with her, and wrote this just to prove that she's so stupid that she'll mouth-breath anything written on the teleprompter?

She's the Ron Burgandy of politicians.

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As talentless as the unfunniest alleged comedian ,Will Ferrell. I get that!

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Oh come on, that's harsh. Especially in a world where Adam Sandler exists.

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No one can kill comedy like Owen Wilson can kill comedy.

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Jack Smith helped bring down Slobodan Milosevic for war crimes - you know, the kind of things Trump and his Maggots day dream about doing.

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LOL - baffling how "Making America Great Again via Infrasture Week!" isn't going over well with the MAGA crowd. I mean what's Joe Biden gonna do next? IMPROVE THE SOCIALIST NIGHTMARE MEDICARE & SOCIAL SECURITY?!?!! That heathen.

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Like for real - this is meant to horrify you:

"Joe Biden had the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs that is actually finishing what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on, and Joe Biden is attempting to complete. Programs to address education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, labor unions, and he still is working on it.”

How dare he, as president of this here United States, try to address RURAL POVERTY?!?!?! And URBAN PROBLEMS?!?!?! What next?!?! Funding schools, paying teachers and nurses more, reforming criminal justice system????? Our founding fathers did not envision this!!!

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MT Greene wants to end our long nightmare of peace and prosperity.

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"ejjuKAYshun," as if it's something to avoid. Well, maybe it is, for the Magats.

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