I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

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I think "Bitch please" works

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she seems SMRT.

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I thought there was 1 day of sick leave in the current deal? But you’re right, we can’t have a strike.

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I fear she is an accurate representation of the majority of her constituents.

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80s hair was something.

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Do you renounce the devil and all his works, asked the priest to Michael Corleone. Oh yes, he replied, as his assassins murdered all his enemies.

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Truly a "release the tiger" moment

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It's like on the Simpsons when Lisa cajoled her family into marching in the Gay Pride parade and Bart got "outed" on the local paper front page/sn

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I just realized that Fucker Snarlson's forehead is so smooth except for the glabellar frown lines might have something to do with botox

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(he feels SOO betrayed-not)

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I heard they had one day sick leave and part of an agreement they made that 10 unions agreed to a few weeks ago was 7 days. Who ever heard of 7 days in a year anyway? And why are there so many unions? How on earth did this get so absurd? About-- well yrs ago a friend about my own age got a job and joined the RR union when he got out of Viet Nam. And that was a hard job but financially it was a good job.

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If they ever investigate the Supreme Court judges we'll hear Clarence Thomas saying that about the retreats he spent weekends at, given by his wife's organization, devoted to unconstitutional causes.

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Didn't she say she thought this country ignores Israel's excesses re Palestine? Or this country is too wedded to Israel's policy? Israel isn't 'Jews.'

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Maybe they asked for 7 days in the hope of negotiating to 5, which is a reasonable number.

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Well you know they only want to shrink the parts of it that give money to the blah people. Think of all the other parts they want to beef up. To do with surveillance.

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