Her fish tank IS her front load washer...

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She watches MTV for the music videos!they rarely show any now

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Yes, it takes stupid to attract stupid, I guess.

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They're everywhere! 😎

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She actually was on her own laptop looking for evidence of sex toy sales and caught the reflection in the screen of her TV.

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First it was microwaves and now smart TVs?What's next, Air Fryers???. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Although it's more fun to use both.

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This is one of those "blanket statements in case I turn up dead and They say that it was Health Concern but I don't have that!" things, isn't it? She thinks that They are actively entering the endgame of their plan to Get Her, so she wants to be real clear: don't believe it when they tell you it was heart failure, she didn't even have a heart!

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Yes. Plausible that a neighbor was trying to cast from his laptop, cleverly named "Joe's laptop", and picked the incorrect obscure device designation, e.g. 'xbr5065'. She saw the display 'connected Joe's laptop' and panicked.

Explaining this to her would be as painful as why I tried to explain to my elderly mom that the word 'mute' on her wireless phone display is merely a soft label for the button just below.

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Kools are menthol

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what's really sad is that she thinks she is important enough to her movement/cause/party to be secretly assassinated by her opponents (whoever they are depending on who she is talking to)

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From what I saw someone say on Twitter, she is saying all of this so that, in the case whoever is spying on her (Biden? Jews with space lasers?) assassinates her & tries to make it look like an accident, suicide, or random medical event, she's stated she isn't likely to have an accident, isn't suicidal, & is too healthy and unvaccinated to die in such a way (sidenote: I have read she IS very much vaccinated against covid).

Yes, it's that nutty and that stupid.

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My vote is on toasters.

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Mine likes to step on the Roomba and turn it on.

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