AR-15 libelz!

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Fucking mud, as per Lenny Bruce.

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"Oh, I'm so sorry I used the most sensitive vulgarity possible. Please understand, you cucking funt buckers. that it's not indicative of what's in my heart! I am just a regular girl from a regular home and eat regular food while wearing regular clothing, you brother mucking hebephrenic posers! I am so distraught! Dost thou have a doily that I can dry my tears?"

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Maybe look at her voting record and legislative proposals/priorities.

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It doesn't matter as long as they continue to get a pass for it. Until we as a nation decide religious affiliation no longer provides some kind of special cover, they will continue to say it, and continue to skate on it.

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It's complicated, but I would summarize it thusly (based on my own very limited understanding): "a disgusting vicious cycle aided by the real estate practice of redlining neighborhoods (now illegal), discriminatory GI bill and banks not loaning to blacks, compounded with white people freaking the fuck out if they see a black person in their neighborhood. Who wants to live around people who are afraid of them? Plus discrimination in all the OTHER things (jobs, education that leads to income inequality) and people wanting to be in culturally homogenous places.

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So. One down 63 million more to go.And the white trash trump worshippers will never go away.They are profligate slingers of damaged semen.On the other hand, pc snowflakes make me want to puke.It's only words. Get over it.I'm a faggot.It's the same old story, Everywhere I go,I get slandered, libeledI hear words I've never heard in the bible.But that's only because I've never listened to the audio version of that shit manual on how to be a jew.When I was 10 I accidentally picked up a print copy of that condensed book of idiotic fairy tales.It immediately burst into flames.Ruined one of my favorite shirts.Must have been mixed fabrics.

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If she was a Repug, she'd be the victim off a concerted Democrat attack, the real racists.

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Those people have guns. Lots of 'em.

By "those people", I mean crackers. Minorities with guns don't last long in this country.

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It's quite common for insecure males of a certain type to beat a hasty retreat after climaxing prematurely.

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It works because the christofascists have a support group made up of half the country.We nonbelievers have to pony up our tax dollars so the glorious leaders of the xtian shit show don't have to pay any taxes.The founders were idiots.

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And Merry Meet to you too ;-)

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Yeah, now replace Cherry with the slur for black people and you'll know what the folks in that town called it

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Ew! That’s horrible.

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Havre de Grace, MD, is one Fucked Up locale. I used to live near-by, and I can remember KKK rallies being held there, and in Elkton, and in Rising Sun in the last 40 years or so. Not cool.

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People think that Maryland is somehow not a cesspit of antiblack racism despite the fact that it was only a Union state during the Civil War because they were basically taken hostage.

That said, this bitch can exit our party stage right, and head on down to the far more feculent hive of scum and villainy.

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