(((Hand rubbing intensifies)))

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I hate that we are all related albeit it very distantly ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrial_Eve & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y-chromosomal_Adam

For a while I thought I only had one embarrassing relative but no .... related to every asshole in history. Of course by the same measure we are all related to royalty, except I only like Queen Latifah.

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Don't mind the idea of being related to Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and HM King George VI, but I don't like the idea of being related to Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin, and the guy who wrote the "Kars-for-Kids" song.

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It all comes down to this......these white fucks are SUPER worried that the non-white majority, will treat the white minority, the way the white majority has treated the non-white minority since the beginning of 'Murika......

“the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

Suck it douche nozzle.......

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Someone needs to explain to Matty Moron that humans evolved in Africa and we are all of the same species and our skin color results from where our ancestors ended up on the planet

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The clear *choice* of racists to consider skin color a "separate race" is mindblowing. If whites and blacks had evolved apart and couldn't interbreed, we could consider them different species. Then we could use the hummingbird analogy. Otherwise, fuck off white nationalist fascist.

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Three celebrities? Does Scott Baio count?

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Up to 8, then he’s out of toes and forgot about his fingers.

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Has he ever?

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Matt Walsh, following the long white supremacist tradition of perverting science to serve ideology. GFY, creep.

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Fact: Adolf Hitler was Roman Catholic and referred to himself as a "Good Catholic" throughout his entire, miserable Catholic life. And Matt Walsh is Roman Catholic. Coincidence? Fuck no.

As Godwins' Lawyer, I win another case. lol

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I think you need to check your facts better. Nazism was a neopaganism which looked down on Christian values as "weak". Hitler didn't set foot in church during his adult life and was openly hostile to the church.

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Catholic asswipes have tortured/murdered far too many relatives of mine over the last 500 hundred years to take shit off the likes of you Catholic mackerel-snappers. Fuck you. Don't troll my comments. Not here. Not anywhere. Never again.

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If you have legitimate cause for anger, why did you make up such an absurd lie about Hitler?

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Are you saying that Hitler being inconsistent about religion is so impossible that it disproves that he referred to himself as a good catholic? I mean, he is literally the archetype of the villain, and yet you expect him to be logical?

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I'm saying Hitler was notoriously and quite rabidly anti-Christian in his speech and behaviour, and there is no historical record of him ever identifying as "Catholic" as an adult.

This is not a question of "consistency" but of well-established historical record.

In other words, Upright Ape's claim that he "referred to himself as a good Catholic throughout his [...] life" is a fabrication, a deliberate lie.

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Hey Matt, if you add up all the non white people in the world then white people are already a minority. Now go have a good cry about it.

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Has this tool heard of South Africa? Yeah, white people crashing an African country or the Belgium Congo. How about French Indo-China or Hong Kong and Singapore? It was called fucking colonialism you twit! Or in your words "influx of white immigration", yeah we're still dealing with the problems from it

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It's a lot easier to list places white people DIDN'T violently colonise.

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Piece of cake: St. Helena and Ascension Islands.

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Aug 10, 2023·edited Aug 10, 2023

Remember when the California Condor was going extinct? Biologists captured the last few, and kept them in cages in a captive breeding program, in order to increase their numbers. I think that’s what we should with the endangered Matt Walsh. And maybe Marjorie Taylor Greene (he needs a suitable mate). A little tranquilizer dart action, some nets, and transport to a suitably designed cage. Then biologists can observe (kind of like Tralfamadorians) and protect them from the threats of the wild, whilst they pop out little white pups. I’m going to contact the WWF (not the wrestling one, the wildlife one) and start a Go Fund Me. This is important people!

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Counterpoint: Hybrids of breeds of animals are frequently healthier than their parents, as long as they're the same species. Hybrids improve genetic diversity, and get the species closer to the landraces from which the breeds originated.

My skin may be as pale as a sheet of printer paper, but my genes are a hot mess and I was barren anyway. I thought I was voluntarily removing myself from the gene pool, but my body made that choice and I didn't even know it.

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Except white people aren't going extinct.

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Tell that to Matt Walsh!

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The Irish and Italians should feel Lucky they got subsumed into 'whiteness' back in the dat. Close call.

Asian Americans will be next to be included in the white camp, so we got some numbers coming in there. Oh, and Indians aren't too far iff from being in the club


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Aug 10, 2023·edited Aug 10, 2023

"But yes, for mediocre white MAGA fascist Christian types whose existence is a net zero for American society"_

You give them too much credit, Evan.

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I normally try and be accepting of how people look. Things happen, you can't

choose your parents - I get it.

But I'll be honest - that goofy looking asshole can go fuck himself and not in that relaxing, me-time , self - love kind of way either.

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My view of these white extinctionist nutballs is this: if you're so bloody concerned about the "white race going extinct," stop whining on the internet about it, find yourself a woman who looks like Morgan Fairchild in her prime and has the racial attitudes of Magda Goebbels, marry her, and raise 14 children. That should solve the problem.

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Except no woman, of any race, wants to touch them with a stick. That's why they're so keen on winding back women's rights.

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Eliot Rodger is a perfect example of their thinking. He firmly believed that he was entitled -- ENTITLED -- to a smokin' hot blonde babe whose idea of a multi-syllabic word was "gladly."

His solution to his inability to get a kiss from one -- let alone one touching his penis -- was to spend vast amounts of money on the California State Lottery. He theorized that once he zoomed around Los Angeles in a cool car, the combination of his good looks and better-looking car would draw in the bimbos and bimbettes.

However, he soon discovered that the laws of probability were not on his side, and lost a good deal of money.

Now, had he taken that money and spent it on a personal ad seeking a girlfriend, and mentioned that his father was an assistant director on the "Star Wars" movie series, he would have had hot young actresses fluttering to him, brandishing their resumes and bikini shots, in the hope that romancing him would lead to a good role on the next "Star Wars" movie. Both parties' problems would be solved.

However, Mr. Roger found it easier to whine into a diary about his plight, play World of Warcraft, hurl orange juice at a happy couple and run off to a mall men's room to sit in the toilet and cry for three hours, frighten a friend by talking about setting up a concentration camp for women, and then shoot his roommates and try to kill sorority members...and then shoot himself.

I'm not a big fan of capital punishment, because I feel that it targets the wrong people, but this guy deserved to die under Darwin's Law.

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Magda and Josef absolutely failed in the duty of insuring the survival of the "master race" didn't they? In the end they pussed out and decided murdering all of their kiddos with cyanide was preferable to allowing them to live in a world without uncle Adolf.

That's what it always comes down to with these nutjobs: the world refuses to conform to my insanity so I choose death. It's always a death cult in the end with these psychos.

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Josef and Magda were the very few top Nazi leaders to stay in the Bunker with Adolf.

Der Chef (as his top staff called him) appointed Goebbels as Chancellor in his will, which was a violation of the German Constitution. However, Goebbels told his folks he would disobey that order, so he had Magda kill their five kids. All five had names that started with the letter "H" in honor of Hitler.

From what I've read, she gave them all cyanide pills, telling them they were airsickness pills for the flight to Berchtesgaden. Then Magda walked out of their room, smoked a cigarette, and began to lay out a solitaire hand.

Later that afternoon, Goebbels and his wife emerged from the Fuhrer Bunker and did shoot themselves. I wrote about this in one of my articles.

You're quite right about how these sociopaths and psychotics end their stupidity in mass death. You may never have heard of J.T. Ready. He was an Arizona or New Mexico racist with the goatee, leather, sunglasses, Nazi symbol-festooned jacket, and weight problem common to these folk.

He set up an armed border patrol on the Rio Grande to protect US border from undocumented immigrants. The cops looked with disfavor on armed vigilantes doing this and told him so.

Anyway, J.T. Ready's career ended when he got into some kind of argument with his girlfriend and her kids, broke out his AR-15, and gunned them down, including a four-year-old girl. When he saw what he had done, he shot himself.


A number of these junior Fascists are also child molesters and deeply closeted gays. I find the former infuriating and the latter hilariously hypocritical. They defend the former by quoting some book called "Which Way Western Man?" when they really mean, "No woman aged over 18 will go out with me." The down-low homosexuality is based on the combination of total misogyny and their desperate need to conceal that from and equally misogynistic but also homophobic base.

Goebbels and Magda, by the way, were easily identified. The bunker people didn't have enough gasoline to burn the corpse of the Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment properly.

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Aug 10, 2023·edited Aug 10, 2023

The scene with the murder of the children in Der Untergang is one of those scenes that occasionally haunts me. The kids were asleep in the movie, and had the pills popped into their mouths. The way one of the oldest children woke up as if they realized what was happening.

Edit: Really, no markup allowed at all? I am already missing Discus.

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I believe that scene in "Der Untergang" is historically accurate.

The last few days in the Bunker are a bit like "Rashomon," 40 different views of several suicides.

Gerald Green had it right: "This was no Goetterdamerung. It was the last gasp of a rat-pack."

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Uh...Mattie? As long as there are humanoids living in Northern Europe, adapting to its environmental conditions, and procreating successfully, melanin-challenged people will continue to exist.

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Climate change might actually force more of us to northern latitudes again as the tropics reach uninhabitability.

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Aug 10, 2023·edited Aug 10, 2023

I just want to say as a white American that I’ve never heard of a Buc-cee’s before reading this article and had to Google what a Buc-cee’s was.

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It's just an Interstate gas station chain with a cute mascot and an extremely successful marketing campaign. It thrives by identifying areas that don't have any tourist attractions, and turning the Buc-cees itself into an attraction.

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