Matt Walsh Has Thoughts About Hummingbirds. They Are White Supremacist Thoughts.
Something something 'whites are trending toward extinction.'
Why is Matt Walsh trending today? Is it because he said something extremely creepy about children’s genitals as part of his anti-transgender crusade? It it something about those creepy groomer pervert babydolls he sells of himself?
Nah, he’s just being a mediocre white supremacist, bitching and crying about white people going “extinct.” Because that’s a thing educated people who have actual skills and talents to contribute to the world bitch and cry about.
Also something about hummingbirds. It’s weird.
Let’s just dive in.
MATT WALSH: [W]hites are trending towards extinction in the United States. Like, that's the way it's headed.
“Extinction.” Like white people are a species unto themselves.
(If Walsh had more formal education, he might have learned at some point that “whiteness” is totally made up and didn’t used to exist as a category at all. But that’s way too complicated for him — again, very little formal education — so we won’t dwell.)
And then the other part of the story is the veil of silence around this issue, the wall that is erected around it.
Nobody is talking about how white people are going extinct, or related conspiracy theories. You know, except for Tucker Carlson and Fox News hosts and mass shooter manifestos and Matt Walsh right now.
And I know you're gonna say, well, you just read a story about it. So it's not a silence. They can report on it. So you report and you celebrate diversity, and then you just move on. We don't talk about it. We don't think much about it, and that's it. You aren't allowed to talk much about it. You certainly – you certainly can't be concerned about it.
Why are you concerned about it? What’s the concern? Spell it out, you little anal fissure.
You're not allowed to express any concern. That's unthinkable. To hear that whites are on their way to minority status and the white population is declining, the worst that you could possibly do is – to talk about it at all is already a problem, but to suggest that there's any reason at all to be concerned about that, or to be anything less than thrilled by that development is incredibly racist, we're told.
Bitching that you’re being required to be “thrilled” about it is, in and of itself, incredibly racist and white supremacist. For normal people who don’t share such proclivities, it’s a neutral development. Demographics are changing. It happens.
But yes, for mediocre white MAGA fascist Christian types whose existence is a net zero for American society, but who for mystifying reasons literally believe in their hearts that they are superior to other people, we understand that pretty much all their politics is rooted around their pant-shitting fears that nobody will be required to obey them ever again.
This might be a good time in this blog post to scroll back up and look at Matt Walsh’s picture and marvel that he might think he’s superior to literally anyone.
We know that it's -- like, it doesn't even need to be said, but I'll say it anyway because we all know that's true. But we know that the continued existence of any other race of people is considered deeply important. And the preservation of the historical and traditional racial identity of any nation is considered deeply important. You know? So, for example, if there was an influx of white immigration to a historically Black country, and that was resulting in a giant demographic shift wherein it was becoming a predominantly white country rather than predominantly Black, this would be considered a major, major problem. And there's no doubt about it. And yet, in the reverse, it is either neutral or cause for celebration. But really it should be a cause for celebration.
Walsh is extremely confused about what constitutes “culture.” It’s kind of like when white supremacists defend slavery by saying “they sold their own people!” in Africa, because to them all Black people are the same and their little white brains are too stupid and racist to understand that there were many tribes and groups, and sometimes they were at war with each other, and so forth. Inquisitive people who like education are free to read up on these things.
We’re curious, though: what part of “white culture” does Matt Walsh think is somehow integral to the American experience? Food without seasoning? Watching race cars turn left? Asking to speak to the manager? Meth?
Buc-ee’s? Is it Buc-ee’s?
And you know what? This pertains even to the the animal kingdom. I mean -- think if there's a particular type of, I don't know, hummingbird that's going extinct. Even for that, we're supposed to panic. And if I were to say, hey, whatever. I mean, what does it matter? We -- so we don't have that of hummingbird. We got plenty of other hummingbirds. What does it matter what type of hummingbird it is? What difference does it make? So, yeah, this type of hummingbird is -- there's more of that then there's less of this. Like, who cares? If I say that, I'm callous because, no, it's very important that we have all varieties of hummingbirds.
Did this hummingbird used to enslave other hummingbirds? Does it call the hummingbird cops when it sees different kinds of hummingbirds enjoying a Saturday in the park? Is it like some kind of hummingbird that listens to Jason Aldean or something? Because that one can go extinct.
Every variety is very, very important. We have to keep them all around. Every part, every animal in the animal kingdom, we gotta keep them all around. It's extremely important. If any particular variety starts to dwindle, if any particular type of species of animal gets driven out of its territory, it's a very bad thing. So, it's interesting that we can see this with hummingbirds, but not with certain kinds of people -- well, in particular, one kind of person, which would be white person. The preservation of the hummingbird community is more important than the preservation of the white race.
All hummingbirds matter.
In fact, you can't even talk about the preservation of the white race -- even saying that word, that phrase is tantamount to being in the Klan.
These are the standards that we are all supposed to live by, but they're all -- it's like, we all know it's just this game, and we all know that it's bogus, and it's ridiculous.
If you’re a white supremacist.
We all recognize it at this point. Right? I'm not saying anything that anyone doesn't already know.
Or at least that any of the tiki torch boys in Charlottesville didn’t know.
And they're all -- when it comes to white people and talking about any issue pertaining to white people, there's all kinds of rules that are put in place that do not apply anywhere else. And so, it's really up for us -- and we could complain about these rules. Usually, what happens and the typical conservative response has been, mostly to ignore the rules and just follow them and not point them out. Every once in a while complain about them.
Bless their hearts, they’re so timid.
But then, sort of, follow the rules anyway. We can do that, or we can just stop following the rules, which is what we ought to start doing.
Oh no, white boy, what are you going to do? Going to park your pontoon boat just wherever or something?
So that’s why Matt Walsh is trending right now. Because with every passing day, the conservative movement becomes a more overtly white supremacist, white grievance movement, and they’re getting bolder and bolder about wearing their perfectly starched white hoods out in public.
Surprised their three celebrities haven’t gotten together to do a remake of Birth of a Nation yet, but we’re sure it’s coming.
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>> "“Extinction.” Like white people are a species unto themselves"<<
Biologically speaking, for something to be an "extinction" and not merely a "death" it has to result in the termination of a reproductively isolated population.
Which is why it's scientifically correct to refer to Matt Walsh's future extinction.
I get annoyed with the use of "white race" because it co-opts something of Black identity. The reason "African-American" exists is, as I understand it, because unlike "Irish-American" or "English-American" or "German-American" a lot of Black people in the US do not know what modern country their ancestors came from. That's because they were kidnapped and brought to America in fucking chains, treated worse than animals on the journey over and sold like actual livestock once they landed. They were not considered important enough to keep records of where they were from, nor what language or culture they had come from, nor even their actual fucking names.
In talking about "the white race" people that would, if they'd lived at the time, described the Irish as semi-human, the Italians as barely European, anyone from central and eastern Europe as dumb and only good for work, decide that they too do not have a specific cultural background besides some generic "whiteness". They want to equate themselves, again, with the victims of a series of brutal crimes they will not themselves even admit really happened.
What is "white culture"? Because it's not a unifying religion. It's not a shared cuisine. It's not a shared language. It's not a shared sense of humour or literary and artistic taste. What is the unifying feature of "white culture" beyond the colour of your skin?