Here, let me try:

Mayor de Blasio, mayor of NYC, which is in the USA, which has a consulate in Benghazi, BENGHAZI - BENGHAZI - BENGHAZI!!! IMPEACH - IMPEACH - IMPEACH!!!

(Clearly I have a real knack for this kind of journalism. Where do sign up?)

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What <i>always</i> happens in the porno when the pizza delivery person knocks on the door?

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If Sulz din't do nuthin' when she sliced up her muffin, Then he oughta be a-changin' his ways.

Was it him she was foolin'? She doesn't know what she is doin'. Must we read her when she writes this way?

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those hobbits look pretty damn tall on IMAX. Saw it last night, once I dodged all the flying popcorn and gunfire it wasn't a bad flick

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already soft? Call Medicare, they've got these whizzbang penis pumps

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that's now legal in Oklahoma

the surrey with the gooey stuff on top

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No kidding- Bubba! take one for the team

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"The story made headlines here, too, with everyone scratching their heads, wondering if Americans don't have more serious issues to deal with,"

No, we really are that stupid, shallow and easily distracted

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"Some people... some people like cupcakes exclusively, while myself, I say, there is naught nor ought there be nothing so exalted on the face of god’s grey Earth as that prince of foods... the muffin!"

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Dame Peggington does not have pizza for lunch. Nor does she have blowjobs. Both simply get in the way of the gin.

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